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An approximate estimated 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted globally each year. Food has been and always will be the first and foremost primary necessity of the living world. At Food ResQ, we realize the importance of each grain and wish to do our part in reducing food wastage and in turn eliminating the world's hunger bit by bit.

We aim to bridge the gap between the restaurants, that deal with discarding the leftover food daily, and those people(ResQ-ers) who wish to contribute and do a good deed by making sure the food reaches the right place. We connect the food providers and the food distributors by bringing them together and making the food-donation process easier and faster so that no one, who wishes to help the needy, finds it difficult just because he/she cannot find the medium to do so.

What makes Food ResQ different is that we not only care for needy people but also keep in mind the struggle of stray animals to find food to kill their hunger. Thus we provide an option for the Restaurants to post slots and distinguish the leftover food into categories separately for the poor needy beings as well as the strays. The locations of these restaurants can be easily viewed by our ResQu-ers on the map available and in turn book the pickup slots at the same time.

Thus we bring to you Food ResQ, a one-stop application to bridge the gap between excess food providers and distributors, to eradicate hunger. Find locations, book slots, & connect, all in one place to do the good deed!

What it does

  1. The website revolves around Restaurants acting as left-over food providers and ResQ-uers acting as food distributors to the needy.
  2. The Restaurants can post specific categories of food either for Needy people(i.e. human edible food) or for Stray Animals(i.e. animal edible food) along with stating the quantities and time slots available for pickup.
  3. The ResQ-uers who wish to pick up this food from the restaurants and distribute it to the needy can book the slots opened by the Restaurants nearby and view the details specific to the food required.
  4. The ResQ-uers can easily access the locations of the Restaurants marked on a world map to reach the venues with no extra effort.
  5. We have made sure that filters specific to locations, and types of food available, help the users get a good picture of what they are actually seeking.
  6. We intend to build mutual trust between the Restaurants and the ResQ-uers for a better process. Hence we have implemented a rating feature that will help them to rate each other based on points such that it helps them get attention in the future.

How we built it

  1. The website frontend was made using HTML, CSS, and JS.
  2. The website backend was made using Node JS and MongoDB as the database. The backend is deployed on Google Cloud Platform (App Engine) and is up and live at
  3. We integrated the HERE Maps API in the frontend to pick out the exact locations of restaurants, thus making it easy for our ResQ-uers to reach and pick up from these providers.
  4. We used to register a domain name for our website.

Link to backend repo:

Demo Video:


Saloni Parekh

Nikhil Singh

Shreya Maheshwari