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Ken "TheNugget" Yılmaz edited this page Sep 6, 2023 · 10 revisions

Arma 3 PiShock: Your Very Own Zeus Bolt



For Players

You'll need a PiShock and a PiShock Account available here



For Addon-makers

The primary intention of this mod is to integrate PiShocks to arma for local use. The In-game and Extension functions were written with that in mind. However, it is possible to trigger shocks remotely by using remoteExec. While measures were taken to ensure this only happens with the consent and permission of the receiving party, please do not rely explicitly on the code alone.

Remote Execution feature for the callExtension command will be disabled while this mod is active. While highly unlikely, this may cause problems with other mods that use extensions. If you come across such an extension, let me know so they can be added to a list.

You are allowed to download the binaries and use them in your own mods, as long as you properly attribute and credit me and link this github repository.

Known Issues

  • CBA Keybindings and Settings require a mission to be initialized to function properly. You can achieve this by opening up the editor.
  • Binding Multiple PiShock Commands to the same eventhandler will cause only one to execute.
  • The mod is not whitelisted by battleeye at this time, launch the game with BattlEye turned off.