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Hi, There

Challanges in Frontend

Application Designed using this flow

  1. Designed Left Side Bar
  2. Next Designed NavBar
  3. Next Designed About Section
  4. Next Designed Activity Section
  5. Then Designed Analytics sectin

    • Designed OverAll Analytics
    • Designed Revenue Chart
    • Designed MicroPayments
    • Designed Monthly Subscriber
    • Designed Yearly Subscriber
    • Designed Top stories in last 30 days
    • Designed Recent Activities
    • Designed Top user in last 30 days
    • Designed User by Location

Challanges in the Above Flow:-

  1. while Designing sideBar, I was using the Icon Components as value of key icon inside a object of all buttons, but it created a problem as it take time initialise those icon key which gives error when using map as it shows that icon has not loaded yet

  2. I was Very New to Chart.js so it too much challenging for me to mimic the exact design, so tackled it by completing the design from one side

    First rendered the charts with all defaults copying from PrimeReact

    Then first changed the BackGround and Hover Colour

    Then designed the tooltip, it's teeth, modified text inside it using callbacks, aligned it

    If the bar was rounded on top then changed it as given

    In Line charts the data was in decimals so changed labels, accordingly so that only integer part shows up

    The Main problem arised with the yearly subscriber Line Chart as there might be many points in a year but display the year only and found the solution with chartjs-adapter-date-fns package

    Next the first label was not visible in the Graph

    So set scales bounds to "ticks" to include the first lavel

    The Major Problem while designing this arised that which package to use as PrimeReact also have no support for geo maps and found chartjs-chart-geo to render the Map

Challenges in Backend

Workflow of Backend

  1. Designed Passport-local support with serializing and deserializing
  2. Designed Passport-Google-oauth2.0 support
  3. NodeMailer Setup for sending mails
  4. Designed Passport-Magic Login setup

Challenges in the Above Flow

  1. It was hard to integrate Passport login