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Frostologers Castle

TheDeathlyCow edited this page Jul 14, 2023 · 3 revisions

The Frostologer's Castle is a randomly generated structure found in the Snowy Plains and the home of the Frostology Clan of Illagers. The structure is dominated by a large keep in the center that is made from Packed Snow. Surrounding the village is a Pillager Village. A 'Pillage', if you will. The Keep will always generate with one Frostologer on the second floor and will spawn groups of Chillagers all around the structure.


Frostologer Castles generate in snowy plains biomes and #c:snowy_plains biomes. It can be located with /locate structure frostiful:frostologer_castle. They are usually rather large, and dominate a landscape.

The Keep is the center piece of the Frostologer Castle. It will generate with random interior decorations, usually having a small amount of light. It can also randomly have balconies or taller watch towers.

There are a variety of different structures outside the keep, mainly labs, armories, and practice ranges. There are also some pumpkin patches, prison cells, and igloos. These buildings are connected with streets made of packed ice and powder snow, which the Chillagers can walk on without sinking. These structures are only ever illuminated with soul fire, as it doesn't provide as much warmth as regular fire.


The various chests around the castle contain different types of loot.

Chests in the Keep will contain crossbows, sweet berries, icicles, fur tufts, frozen torches, packed snowballs, goat horns, and occasionally rarer items such as enchanted books that will be randomly enchanted with enchantments relevant to the Frost Wand. These chests may also contain Fur Armor Upgrade Templates and Frosty Armor Trim Smithing Templates.

The smithery chests will contain Fur Armor upgrade templates, sweet berries, fur, icicles, and other random items. They will sometimes contain Chainmail Armor that can be used to make Fur Padded Chainmail Armor.

The Archery Range chests will contain either a bow or a crossbow, as well as Arrows of Slowness and Frost Tipped Arrows.

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