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Basic information

What is this project?

Revisionary Redux is an app I'm working on, that's meant to assist students by giving them preparation exams. The exams (or revisions) on Revisionary are meant to be fun and relaxing, to make the studying process more entertaining for the user.

Who is it made for?

Students of all ages! The app is also heavily built on user contribution, so teachers who wants to help in assisting their students are more than welcome!

Technical stuff

Is this project done yet?

Not quite yet. This project is still under development, and I mostly see it as a hobby project of mine. In the future, I hope to make this future a fully functional app. But at the moment, it's mostly a passion project, so it's hard to determine when would it be done.

Then when it'll be done

Good question... I have no idea!

How can I contribute to this project?

We're more than grateful for any notes, pull requests, and general comments on the app. I want this app to be as good as possible, and any help would be more then welcome!

Can I have access to the backend code?

At the moment, I have no plans on releasing the backend code of the app, as it may cause a security risk in the future. However, I'm more than happy to release the frontend.

Additional info

Why is this project called "Revisionary Redux"?

Revisionary is a combination of the words revise and revolutionary. Not the most original name but I kinda like it lol. The reason I've added the world "Redux" is because I've made another version of this app in the past. The previous version was made in less than a week, and was design to assist students in my IB school. It was made in C# and was completely offline, with users having to share the revisions with each other through file sharing. I've decided to remake the app as a website, instead of an offline application.

Can I have access to the original version of Revisionary?

Yes! You can find the link for the source code here.