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Meal Plan Underground

CS 278, Spring 2022


npm install npm install -g nodemon


You will need to create a local .env file to run the app. This env file will be ignored by git.

Create the .env file:

touch .env

Add the following variables to the .env file:



mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf - Starts the MongoDB server. npm run build:w - Runs Webpack like the run build command except it invokes webpack with --watch so it will monitor the React components and regenerates the bundle if any of them change. nodemon webServer.js - Watch for any changes to the server code and automatically restart the web server. (You can restart it manually by typing the two character command rs at the nodemon command.)


npm run lint - Runs ESLint on all the project's JavaScript files.

Data Organization (/schema/*)

This assumes that the messaging will happen externally (i.e. email). Would need some more tables and routes for that lol

User Table

Data is initially pulled from Stanford's system, but the user can update certain fields, denoted by *

Column Name Type Meaning Notes
dining_hall_id string (foreign key) uuid - dining hall the user is currently at
photo_path * string (file path) path to the user's profile photo relative to /static/images/profile-photos
swipes_remaining * integer number of swipes the user currently has we calculate this, but user can manually update to correct incorrect guesses
isDonor * boolean if the user is a donor (true) or recipient (false) right now
major string required field
biography string short "about me" section
email string
password string encrypted
first_name string
last_name string

Pairing Table

Column Name Type Meaning
pairing_id string (primary key) uuid - used to identify pairing
donor_user_id User ID (foreign key) uuid - one user in the pairing
recipient_user_id User ID (foreign key) uuid - ther user in the pairing
meal_id uuid (foreign key) which meal they got (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
swipe_completed boolean default to false, used for swipe tracking
date_time datetime when they got matched

Meals Table

This table will be hardcoded for now.

Column Name Type Meaning
id string (primary key) uuid
name string e.g. breakfast, lunch, dinner

DiningHall Table

This table is hardcoded and never edited. See dining hall reference below for the current dining halls in the db.

Column Name Type Meaning
dining_hall_id string (primary key) uuid
dining_hall_name string uuid
Dining Hall Reference

Routes (webServer.js)


Path Purpose
/ redirects to Stanford login or to /map
/map shows the map view
/pairings shows the user's lifetime pairings and links to the conversations
/profile/{user_id} a user's profile
/profile/edit/{user_id} an edit view for users to modify their own profile


Path Purpose
/set/user updates the user's information
/set/pairing creates a pairing


  • onboarding? do we need to explain the site?

Material UI Documentation:

Backend To Do

  • guest swipes remaining
  • lifetime donated
  • lifetime received
  • get list of people at a given dining hall rn
  • get list of pairings
  • create a pairing

probably not do:

  • switch to donate / receive

other to do:

  • cookies!