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Supported API Versions

WorldEditArt explicitly does not support running on unofficial builds of PocketMine. WorldEditArt can only be used on PocketMine servers with API 3.0.0-ALPHA7 onward.

User Guide (for both admins and builders)

This user guide is intended for builders using WorldEditArt.

ADMIN Paragraphs starting with ADMIN contain non-builder information (e.g. permissions, config). You may ignore these paragraphs if you are only a builder, not a server owner/admin.

PROTIP Paragraphs starting with PROTIP explain why some features would be useful and provide suggestions/tips on using them. If you are only looking for reference and don't want any suggestions here, skip these paragraphs.

Start using WorldEditArt

ADMIN A config file will be generated upon the plugin's first run. You may restart the server after editing the config file to apply the changes.

Type the command //status to see basic information about the server setup. It should show you the WorldEditArt version as well as your current session information (if you have permission to start a session). If the server has enabled implicit builder sessions, you should have already started a builder session automatically. Otherwise, you have to run the //session start command to start a builder session explicitly. Some servers may require an extra passphrase to unlock a builder session; in that case, run //session start <password>, where <password> is the passphrase.

ADMIN To start builder sessions automatically, set implicit builder session to true in config.yml. If it is set to false, builder sessions have to be started by typing commands ("explicit builder sessions").

PROTIP Explicit builder sessions can protect the server by preventing builders from accidentally executing world- editing operations. The session can also be closed with //session close.

ADMIN If implicit builder session is set to false, you may setup a global passphrase for starting builder sessions. To disable this passphrase, leave it empty ("").

PROTIP Passphrases can provide an extra safety layer — even if someone else managed to login as a builder (e.g. his brother his cat the spider in his house is using his phone), if they don't get this passphrase, they still can't destroy your server using WorldEditArt.


Bookmarks allow you to save locations in different worlds using names. You can use them in some commands to easily specify locations without actually going there, e.g. using them with //at.

Editing bookmarks is very simple. Use //bm add <name> to add a bookmark named <name> (at your current location); use //bm remove <name> to delete a bookmark named <name>.

You may also use //bm to list all bookmarks. Use //bm tp <name> to teleport to the bookmark named <name>.

Note that bookmarks will also save your rotation.

PROTIP Use //bm add along with //at to save bookmarks at specified coordinates, e.g. //at 1 2 3 bm add my_new_bookmark.

Executing commands at mocked locations

Many WorldEditArt commands depend on your current location, but it may be annoying to fly/teleport around all the time. WorldEditArt lets you execute commands as if you are at another location using the //at command.

IMPORTANT: //at only works with WorldEditArt builder commands, i.e. commands that require you to start a builder session to use.

There are four types of location mocking:

by specifying coordinates

//at 1 ~2 ~-3 <command> [args ...]

The above command will execute //<command> [args ...] at the position where x-coordinate is 1, y-coordinate is your current y-coordinate plus 2 and z-coordinate is your current z-coordinate minus 3. Your rotation will not be mocked.

You may or may not add slashes in front of <command> when you type it; WorldEditArt will fix it automatically (since all WorldEditArt commands start with //).

The tilde notation is supported for the coordinates.

by world spawn

//at s <world> <command> [args ...]

The above command will execute //<command> [args ...] at the world spawn of <world>. Your rotation will not be mocked.

You may or may not add slashes in front of <command> when you type it; WorldEditArt will fix it automatically (since all WorldEditArt commands start with //).

Note that <world> is the folder name of the world, not the saved world name. If you don't understand what's the difference, have a look at /status (the PocketMine one enabled with debug.commands in pocketmine.yml, not //status from WorldEditArt) — use the one in "", not the one in () (if any).

by bookmark

//at bm <bookmark name> <command> [args ...]

The above command will execute //<command> [args ...] at the location of bookmark <bookmark name>. Your rotation will be mocked as the bookmark's rotation.

You may or may not add slashes in front of <command> when you type it; WorldEditArt will fix it automatically (since all WorldEditArt commands start with //).

by warp

If the server has SimpleWarp enabled, warps can also be used.

//at s <world> <command> [args ...]

This command is similar to bookmarks, except that the rotation will not be mocked.

Construction zones

ADMIN Construction zones are disabled by default. Set construction zone check in config.yml to true to enable.

If the server enables construction zones, builders cannot use WorldEditArt to change blocks outside construction zones.

ADMIN Servers may mark whole worlds as construction zones by adding a world name below construction zone worlds in config.yml.

ADMIN Builders with the worldeditart.admin.czone.bypass permission can build outside construction zones.

Builders can check the information of the construction zone they are in using the /cz check command.

To gain exclusive access to this construction zone, the builder can use the /cz lock <name> command, which stops other builders from doing WorldEditArt world-editing in this construction zone.

Adding the blocks argument (i.e. /cz lock <name> blocks) will additionally block players from breaking/placing blocks in the construction zone (but does not affect block updates like water flowing, TNT, etc.), while adding the entry argument (i.e. /cz lock <name> entry) will additionally block entry, block breaking/placement and world editing. They can later be unlocked with the /cz unlock <name> command, but they are automatically unlocked when the builder session is closed (when the player quits, when the session is explicitly closed, when the server restarts, etc.).

PROTIP World-editing operations may cause industrial accidents such as trapping players inside a wall, overlapping other builders' constructions, etc.


WorldEditArt Delta, an advanced and innovative world editing plugin.







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