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quom edited this page Jan 28, 2016 · 13 revisions

The slightly longer story

The Hut Group was launched in 2004 and in the subsequent years has built a envious portfolio of online retail sites across entertainment, fashion, gifting, health & beauty and sports nutrition. It’s been hard work, and not everything’s gone exactly to plan, but we’re pleased to say we’re now the UK’s leading multi-website online retailer, becoming the first business to take top spot in the Sunday Times Fast Track 100 for two consecutive years.

The health, beauty, nutrition and fitness industries are worth approximately £3.6 billion, and that value is growing rapidly. Every day new apps appear that deliver very similar needs and do not deliver a true benefit. There are hundreds of calorie counters, sleep cycles, fitness trackers and digital trainers on the market, but we believe the sector’s ripe for some game-changing thinking.

Game of Code is your chance to show that thinking, and just to prove how serious we are about it we’ve put £100,000 up for grabs for the winner. That’s a one followed by five zeros (or seven if you include the two after the decimal point); enough to buy an Aston Martin Vantage V8S; the same as what Wayne Rooney earns in 2.33 days.

You can enter as an individual or as part of a team of up to five (just make sure you agree on how you’re splitting any potential winnings before you begin). The competition is open to anyone over the age of 18, and will be judged in two separate rounds by a panel of industry experts. They’ll be judging your submissions on four criteria:

  • Business strategy – is it an original idea that will appeal to the target audience?
  • Usability – is it an enjoyable experience that works intuitively?
  • Design – does it look like a thing of beauty? Is it made with real craft?
  • Coding – is it technically brilliant and free from any glitches?


The competition works in three phases:

  1. Submit your idea to The Hut Group panel by forking this Github repo, completing the presentation template and committing back to your fork before 31st January 2016 (EDIT: Entries extended to 14th February 2016). You can find the presentation template in this Github repo.

The initial judging process will then take place.

  1. If your idea is selected you’ll be given an additional 6 weeks to develop a working prototype of the app. At this stage The Hut Group will upload additional assets such as logos, fonts and images to another repository to help you complete your app to a high level.

The secondary round of judging will then take place.

  1. The fifteen best entries will go through to the grand final, to be held in London in April 2016. The overall winner of the £100,000 prize will be announced on the night.


2nd December 2015: Game of Code open for first round entries
31st January 2016: Closing date for first round of entries (EDIT: Entries extended to 14th February 2016)
15th February 2016: Successful teams notified to build app
27th March 2016: Closing date for second round entries
30th March 2016: Public vote starts
10th April 2016: Public vote ends
11th April 2016: Top teams from public vote are shortlisted to be reviewed by the panel of judges
May 2016: Shortlisted teams are invited to the Grand final in London and a winner announced


To register, entrants must provide a team name, a list of all team members, and identify the team leader, providing each team member’s GitHub identifier, affiliation, if any, and country. Any publicly displayed team data, including team names, may be changed if deemed inappropriate by The Hut Group in its sole discretion. Each participant must consent to be bound by the Official Rules. Limit: one (1) submission per participant. All responses must be in English. All entry information and submissions shall be deemed collected and judged in the United Kingdom. The Hut Group will not reveal identities unless and until the prize is announced.


Participants are welcomed either as individuals or as teams made up of several persons. In the case of teams, the owner of the GitHub account will be designated as the team leader, and will be solely responsible for receiving communications from and communicating with The Hut Group. Prizes will be awarded to the team leader. We recommend teams determine ahead of time how prizes, if any, would be shared among team members. Participants can represent themselves or be the authorised representatives of a company or academic institution.

If a participant is an employee of a corporation or academic institution, enrolled as a student or representing their employer or academic institution in this competition, it is their sole responsibility to review, understand and abide by their employer’s or academic institution’s policies regarding eligibility to participate.

The Hut Group reserves the right to limit, or restrict upon notice, participation in Game of Code to any person, at any time, for any reason.

Eligibility of Applications

All submitted applications must be original work and cannot have been entered in a previous Competition. They cannot exist in a public forum prior to the commencement of the Competition. They cannot have been available for download in any app store prior to the commencement of the Competition. All applications must abide by the rules outlined by the Promoter. No applications will be considered if racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic or derogatory in any way.

PLEASE NOTE: These are just an overview of the main points of the competition. If you are going to enter we strongly recommend reading the full Terms & Conditions. Yes, they’re long and occasionally use complicated words, but it’ll save you a lot of pain in the long term.