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Run Squirls

Squirls is a command-line Java tool that runs with Java version 11 or higher.

Before using Squirls, you must setup Squirls as describe in the rstsetup section.

Squirls provides four commands to annotate variants in different input formats:

  • annotate-pos - quickly annotate a couple of variants, e.g. chr9:136224694A>T
  • annotate-csv - annotate variants stored in a CSV file
  • annotate-vcf - annotate variants in VCF file
  • precalculate - precalculate SQUIRLS scores for provided regions and store the results in a compressed VCF file

In the examples below, we assume that $SQUIRLS_DATA points to Squirls resource directory obtained by unzipping the archive, as described in the rstsetup section:

# e.g.


 ├── assembly_report.txt
 ├── genome.fa
 ├── genome.fa.dict
 ├── genome.fa.fai
 ├── tx.ensembl.ser
 ├── tx.refseq.ser
 └── tx.ucsc.ser

annotate-pos - Annotate variant positions

The easiest way to quickly calculate Squirls scores for a couple of variants is to use the annotate-pos command:

java -jar squirls-cli.jar annotate-pos -d $SQUIRLS_DATA "chr9:136224694A>T" "chr3:52676065CA>C"


Do not forget to surround the variants with double quotes ("chr9:136224694A>T" and not chr9:136224694A>T) to prevent interpretation of the > as a shell operator.


Both "chr1:12345A>T" and "chr1:g.12345A>T" notations are supported.

The command above generates the following terminal output:

2000-01-01 12:34:56.309  INFO 12345 --- [           main] o.m.s.c.c.a.AnnotatePosCommand           : Analyzing 2 change(s): `chr9:136224694A>T, chr3:52676065CA>C`

chr9:136224694A>T    pathogenic    0.970    NM_001278928.1=0.970115;NM_017503.4=0.970115
chr3:52676065CA>C    neutral       0.007    NM_018313.4=0.006350;XM_005265275.1=0.006350;XM_005265276.1=0.006350;XM_005265277.1=0.006350;XM_005265278.1=0.006350;XM_005265279.1=0.006350;XM_005265280.1=0.006350;XM_005265281.1=0.006350;XM_005265282.1=0.006350;XM_005265283.1=0.006350;XM_005265284.1=0.006350;XM_005265285.1=0.006350;XM_005265286.1=0.006350;XM_005265287.1=0.006350;XM_005265288.1=0.006350;XM_005265289.1=0.006350;XM_005265290.1=0.006350;XM_005265291.1=0.006350;XM_005265292.1=0.006350

Squirls reports scores in four columns:

  • variant position
  • variant interpretation, either pathogenic or neutral
  • maximum Squirls pathogenicity prediction rounded up to 3 significant digits
  • Squirls pathogenicity predictions calculated for each transcript the variant overlaps with


The options --output-format, --n-variants-to-report, --out-dir, --report-features are ignored.

annotate-csv - Annotate variant positions stored in a CSV file

To annotate more than just a few variant positions, it may be more convenient to use the annotate-csv command.

Let's run the annotate-csv command to annotate four variants stored in the example.csv file (an example CSV file with 4 variants stored in Squirls repository):

java -jar squirls-cli.jar annotate-csv -d $SQUIRLS_DATA example.csv output

Squirls reads the variants and stores the scores into output.html file. The HTML is the default output format, see rstoutputformats section for more details.

Mandatory arguments

The annotate-csv command requires three mandatory arguments:

  • -d | --data-directory - path to Squirls data directory
  • path to CSV file with variants
  • output prefix for the generated files

Optional arguments

In addition to the mandatory arguments, Squirls allows to fine tune the annotation using optional arguments:

  • --all-transcripts - report Squirls scores for all overlapping transcripts. Default: false
  • --compress - compress the output files using gzip (tabular) or bgzip (VCF). The option has no effect on HTML output format. Default: false
  • -f | --output-format - comma separated list of rstoutputformats. Use html,vcf,csv,tsv to store results in all output formats. Default: html
  • -n, --n-variants-to-report - number of most pathogenic variants to include in HTML report. The option has no effect on VCF output format. Default: 100
  • --out-dir - path to folder where to write the output files. Default: current working directory
  • --report-features - include Squirls features into the output. Default: false
  • -t | --transcript-source - transcript source to use. Choose one of {REFSEQ, ENSEMBL, UCSC}. Default: REFSEQ
  • --threads - process variants on n threads. Default: 2

annotate-vcf - Annotate variants in a VCF file

The aim of this command is to annotate variants in a VCF file and to store the results in one or more rstoutputformats.

To annotate variants in the example.vcf file (an example VCF file with 6 variants stored in Squirls repository), run:

$ java -jar squirls-cli.jar annotate-vcf -d $SQUIRLS_DATA example.vcf path/to/output/file

After the annotation, the results are stored at path/to/output/file.html.

Mandatory arguments

The annotate-vcf command requires three mandatory arguments:

  • -d | --data-directory - path to Squirls data directory
  • path to the VCF file with variants
  • output prefix for the generated files

Optional arguments

In addition to the mandatory arguments, Squirls allows to fine tune the annotation using optional arguments:

  • --all-transcripts - report Squirls scores for all overlapping transcripts. Default: false
  • --compress - compress the output files using gzip (tabular) or bgzip (VCF). The option has no effect on HTML output format. Default: false
  • -f | --output-format - comma separated list of rstoutputformats. Use html,vcf,csv,tsv to store results in all output formats. Default: html
  • -n, --n-variants-to-report - number of most pathogenic variants to include in HTML report. The option has no effect on VCF output format. Default: 100
  • --out-dir - path to folder where to write the output files. Default: current working directory
  • --report-features - include Squirls features into the output. Default: false
  • -t | --transcript-source - transcript source to use. Choose one of {REFSEQ, ENSEMBL, UCSC}. Default: REFSEQ
  • --threads - process variants on n threads. Default: 2

precalculate - Precalculate SQUIRLS scores

We do not provide a tabular file with precalculated scores for all possible genomic variants. Instead, we provide a command for precalculating the scores for your genomic regions of interest. This command precalculates Squirls scores for all possible variants (including INDELs up to specified length) and stores the scores in a compressed VCF file.


$ java -jar squirls-cli.jar precalculate -d $SQUIRLS_DATA CM000669.1:44187000-44187600 CM000669.1:44186000-44186500

The command computes scores for two regions, each region encompassing an exons of the GCK gene plus some neighboring intronic sequence. SQUIRLS recognizes GenBank, RefSeq, UCSC, and simple (1, 2, ..., X, Y, MT) contigs accessions.

The region coordinates must be provided using zero-based coordinates where the start position is not part of the region.

By default, SQUIRLS generates all possible SNVs for the bases of the region, including deletion of the base. For example, a region r spanning ctg1:3-5 of a 10bp-long reference contig ctg1:


yields the variants:

chrom pos SNVs DELs INSs


T>A, T>C, T>G





A>C, A>G, A>T



the annotated variants are stored in a compressed VCF file named squirls-scores.vcf.gz that is by default stored in the current working directory.

Please note that the VCF file not sorted. Please sort and index the VCF file yourself, e.g. by running:

bcftools sort squirls-scores.vcf.gz | bgzip -c > squirls-scores.sorted.vcf.gz
tabix squirls-scores.sorted.vcf.gz

Mandatory arguments

The only mandatory argument for precalculate is -d to provide path to Squirls data directory. Following that, 0..n region definitions, e.g. CM000669.1:44187000-44187600, CM000669.1:44186000-44186500 can be provided.

Optional arguments

There are several options to adjust:

  • -i | --input - path to a BED file with the target regions. Lines starting with # are ignored. See example regions.bed
  • --individual - if the flag is present, predictions with respect to all overlapping transcripts will be stored within the INFO field.
  • -l | --max-length - maximum length of the generated variants on the reference genome, see Variant generation below (Default: 1)
  • -o | --output - path to VCF file where to write the results. The VCF output is compressed, so we recommend to use *.vcf.gz suffix. (Default: squirls.scores.vcf.gz)
  • -t | --transcript-source - transcript source to use. Choose one of {REFSEQ, ENSEMBL, UCSC}. Default: REFSEQ
  • --threads - number of threads to use for calculating the scores. (Default: 2)

Parallel processing

When predicting the scores, each region is handled by a single thread, while at most --threads threads being used for prediction at the same time. Therefore, to fully leverage the parallelism offered by modern multi-core CPUs, we recommend to split large regions into several smaller ones.

Variant generation

The default value of the -l, --max-length parameter is set to 1. As explained above, the parameter controls the length of the generated variants. However, length can be set to any positive integer, leading to calculation of scores for variants of different lengths.

Using the region r and the contig ctg1 defined above, setting -l to 2 will calculate scores for variants:

The variant generation pattern
chrom pos SNVs DELs INSs


T>A, T>C, T>G



A>C, A>G, A>T



The number of possible variants grows exponentially with increasing of the --length value. This can lead to substantial run times and to extending your computational budget. Use at your own risk ;)