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Releases: TheJuki/KFormMaster


18 Apr 03:37
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  • Targeting SDK API Level 32 (Minimum SDK API Level is still 19)
  • Targeting Java 11
  • Kotlin, Gradle, and several dependencies updated
  • #244 - Remove jcenter() repository and use jitpack dependencies
  • Updated Docs with latest version of mkdocs-material with dark theme toggle

Issues Resolved

  • #292 - Added require check before signing to prevent needing to sign for Jitpack builds
  • #286 - Register mainViewLayout for FormButtonElement
  • #281 - Use latest version of Dhaval2404/ImagePicker and confirmed #172 is still fixed
  • #277 - Made FormBuilderHelper's listener variable public

Breaking Changes

  • FormImageElement now needs activityResultLauncher set to a ActivityResultLauncher for Intent
  • FormImageElement now uses Glide instead of Picasso. applyCircleCrop: Boolean has replaced imageTransformation.\
  • FormImageElement's onSelectImage definition changed to ((image: Uri?, error: String?) -> Unit)?
  • FormPlacesAutoCompleteElement in the Example app now needs activityResultLauncher set to a ActivityResultLauncher for Intent


09 Mar 01:17
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Issues Resolved

  • #244 Migrated to Maven Central (New group id: com.github.thejuki)
    • Still need to migrate older builds from Bintray/JCenter
    • Also, need to use new io.github.gradle-nexus.publish-plugin when Android support is added to fix publishing on release
  • #239 Add back displayNewValue to FormSegmentedElement as this caused more issues
  • #236 Add new SegmentedInlineTitle for a radio group with an inline title (Needed a new layout file and did not want breaking existing segmented usages that have a lot of buttons to display or a long title)
  • #228 Removed call to notifyDataSetChanged() in setItems() as this is not needed
  • #231 Updated imagepicker dependency to rename strings to avoid conflicts

Breaking Changes

  • #243, #241 Add displayValueFor to FormPickerMultiCheckBoxElement
    • FormPickerMultiCheckBoxElement now needs generic for inner class: multiCheckBox<ListItem, List>


29 Nov 00:54
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  • Remove kotlin-android-extensions gradle plugin. Use Jetpack View Binding for Test and Examples.


27 Nov 20:08
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Targeting SDK API Level 30, Min API Level 19

Issues Resolved


05 Jul 18:49
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Issues Resolved

  • #194 Added editViewGravity. The button element's default gravity is CENTER.
  • #195 Added editViewPaintFlags. Set the value to Paint.UNDERLINE_TEXT_FLAG to underline all text, for example.
  • #179 Moved imagepicker dependency to JCenter since JitPack was not working for everyone.

Breaking change:

  • editViewGravity replaces both rightToLeft and centerText. Set value to Gravity.START, Gravity.END, Gravity.CENTER, etc.


14 Jun 15:55
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  • #191, #192 Add dialogTitleCustomView to dropDown element


07 Jun 18:12
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  • #163 Fix segmented radio buttons height when text wraps to next line


22 May 14:00
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  • #187, #188 Add valueAsStringOverride to FormPickerMultiCheckBoxElement


14 May 00:33
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  • #185 Add new properties for FormImageElement:
    • displayImageWidth and displayImageHeight to change the size of the image displayed on the form
    • changeImageLabel to set the text of the label that currently is set to "Change Image"
    • showChangeImageLabel to show/hide the "Change Image" label


09 Mar 00:27
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  • #172 Fix ImagePickerActivity where when crop is enabled AND using start() with the completionHandler, the gallery or camera app opens again after a photo is selected/confirmed.

For now, this fix is in a fork of ImagePicker with JitPack providing the build: