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KGSM - Krystal Game Server Manager

A simplistic one-stop-shop management interface for installing, updating and managing game servers on Linux based systems.


KGSM is programmed to be used with bash, systemd and optionally ufw.

It's been developed and tested on Manjaro 24.0.2 Wynsdey, Kernel v6.5.13-7-MANJARO, using Bash 5.2.26, systemd 256 and ufw 0.36.2.

I cannot guarantee it will work flawlessly with other distributions but the project aims for broad compatibility by using as few dependencies as possible.


Download the project

wget -O "kgsm.tar.gz"
tar -xzf "kgsm.tar.gz"
cd ./KGSM-main
chmod +x ./ ./modules/*.sh

Run the project

Once downloaded, ./ is your entrypoint. Running it with no arguments will start it in interactive mode.

Use ./ --interactive --help for a description of the menu options.

Alternativelly ./ accepts named arguments in order to allow automation, run ./ --help for a detailed description of all available named commands.


On first run, ./ will create a new config.cfg file, check that file and modify any settings needed.

The file contains descriptions for each setting.


KGSM comes with built-in updating capabilities.

Ensure you're using the latest version by running:

./ --update



To see a list of required dependencies you can run:

./ --requirements

To attempt to automatically install dependencies, run:

./ --install-requirements
  • If SteamCMD isn't directly available through your distribution's package manager you will have to manually set it up and ensure steamcmd is available in the $PATH.

  • (Optional) KGSM is set up to work with UFW if it detects it on the system, but it's not required in order to use.


KGSM © 2024 by Cristian Moraru is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit