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TheLX5 edited this page Feb 5, 2024 · 20 revisions

Disclaimer: This installation guide assumes you know how to use each single resource listed under Requirements, this will not help you to learn how to use these!

Note: I can't guarantee this will work fine on already edited ROMs. If you are using hex edits or patches that alter the graphics of sprites, then most likely DSS won't play very well with your ROM!


Installation process

Step 1

Insert the included GFX files into your ROM. This includes the Graphics, ExGraphics and ExternalGraphics folders!

Step 2

Copy your the contents of the pixi folder to your own PIXI directory.

Step 3

Run PIXI every time via command line input with the following parameters and the ROM inside PIXI's directory:

"pixi.exe" -ssc "append.ssc" -s16 "append.s16" -mwt "append.mwt" -mw2 "append.mw2" "YOUR_ROM_NAME.smc"

Of course you can alter it to match your requirements like changing the directory or making a batch/powershell/python script.

Note: Every time you require to use PIXI you need to run it with the same parameters listed above. Otherwise the displays in Lunar Magic will look like absolute garbage!

Note 2: Remember to move the .ssc, .s16, .mwt, .mw2 and .extmod files PIXI generates to your ROM's directory.

Step 4

Copy the contents of the uberasm folder to your own UberASMTool directory.

Step 5

Insert the following level and gamemode codes into your UberASMTool list and then insert them into your ROM:

CC	mode_7_fights.asm
D3	lemmy_wendy_fight.asm 
D9	mode_7_fights.asm
DF	mode_7_fights.asm
D5	mode_7_fights.asm
E2	mode_7_fights.asm
E5	mode_7_fights.asm
1C7	bowser_fight.asm
1DE	mode_7_fights.asm
1EB	mode_7_fights.asm
1F2	lemmy_wendy_fight.asm
1F6	mode_7_fights.asm

04	dss_prepare.asm
07	dss_in_level.asm
11	dss_prepare.asm
13	dss_in_level.asm
14	dss_in_level.asm

If you're using other uberasm scripts, follow a guide somewhere else about how to use multiple uberasm scripts!

Step 6

Find RENAME TO YOUR ROM NAME.m16 and rename it. Then place it alongside your ROM.

Step 7


Extra steps

The following steps aren't required to properly use DSS. They're just recommendations.

Step 8

Patch to your ROM Ladida's Fixed Color Data NMI Optimizer. It will lower a little bit the amount of stress during V-Blank which is already high due to DSS.

Step 9

Remove L/R Scrolling of your ROM. Sometimes it can break loading some sprites' GFXs and such feature is heavily underutilized anyway.

Step 10

If you're having issues with the sprite displays in Lunar Magic:

Download the ExternalGraphics folder from the code repository and put it in the directory of your ROM. Make sure that the folder is named ExternalGraphics. In Lunar Magic, press the yellow mushroom with the red arrow pointing towards it to insert ExGraphics and reload them in the editor. Now the graphics for the sprites should display normally in the Lunar Magic editor. See the Lunar Magic help file "GFX File Information" for more help.

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