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Lazy Academy

Here is a short script for automatic sign-in using Python, selenium, and an STP library. IMPORTANT: Please use this responsibly and on your own computers. It's not meant to cheat the system, it's just meant to make a/A a little less stressful.

Getting Started

Please read the directions carefully. I’ve tried my best to streamline these things for you. However- and this is important- if after reading this if you still have any questions please please do not find me. If I have to stop whatever I’m doing at the moment to help you I will be annoyed. Justin Han would be happy to answer your questions though.


Python and related programs, Chromewebdriver, and about 30 min to an hour.


Install python, pip, and virtual env. In the terminal type the following

sudo brew install python
sudo curl -o
sudo python”
sudo pip install --upgrade virtualenv

Get Chromewebdriver

  • Download and install chrome webdriver for your computer. For simplicity, I recommend installing it in the same file as where you are storing the python web driver

Configuring to your system

Open up they python script, and enter you github email and github username and password. Now you have a working script.

Configuring Automatic Text updates and Password

This part can be a bit tricky, since you have to configure your email settings to allow remote logins. If you're using gmail just use this guide and it should work.

Also FYI you can send a text through email.

Scheduling the task

For automatic running of the script I would recommend utilizing Cron. It comes preloaded with all linux and macs. In the crontab type:

 Crontab -e
 Select "nano" option

Enter the following strings in crontab. Don't forget to edit the absolute path!

 50 8   *   *   1-5    bash -c "python absolutepath/
 0  13  *   *   1-5    bash -c "python absolutepath/
 55 15  *   *   1-5    bash -c "python absolutepath/

Enjoy! There are also a dozen other ways to schedule task if you find cron confusing.


  • TheLastSultan
  • Long live Telegraph Hill


Phone alarms are for the weak.






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