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Mason ACM

This is the official website for Mason ACM.


Mason ACM was built with Jekyll version 3.5.1. You can learn how to install Jekyll here.

Install the dependencies with Bundler (you should only need to do this once):

$ bundle install

Run jekyll through Bundler (do this every time you want to start a local copy of the site):

$ bundle exec jekyll serve



  • Edit navigation links in navigation.yml
  • Model the current links for an example.


  • Add, update or remove a post in the _posts directory.
  • To create a new post, make a new markdown file following the naming style
  • Add the following to the top of the file:
    • title: required, the readable title of the blog post.
    • categories: required, at least one category you would like to add to the blog post.
    • To add multiple categories, simply put each one on a separate line with a dash before it.
  • author: required, must be one of the author usernames listed in _data/author.yml. For more information, see below.
  • Example blog post:
  title: Title Here
    - category1
    - category2
    - category three
  author: name
  • IMPORTANT: you MUST have three dashes (e.g. ---) on the top and bottom of the information above for every post (but not for the information below). See current posts if you are confused.

  • You can use Markdown Formatting to style your content.


  • Located in _data/author.yml.
  • Can have the following information set:
    • username: required, a short lowercase username (usually the author's first or last name) to use for referencing the author. Note: you must put a dash, then a space, before the username value. e.g. - username:
    • name: required, the author's full (first and last) name.
    • position: required, the author's position in ACM.
    • year: required, the most recent year the author was in Mason ACM.
    • image: required, the path to a headshot of the author.
    • twitter: optional, the Twitter handle of the author.
    • instagram: optional, the Instagram username of the author.
    • github: optional, the GitHub profile of the author.
    • linkedin: optional, the LinkedIn profile of the author.
    • site: optional, the Portfolio or Personal website of the author.
  • All ACM Leads, Project Managers, and Authors MUST have an author file.
  • Example author profile:
  - username: kummer
    name: "Greg Kummer"
    position: Teacher
    year: 2018
    image: "/images/staff/kummer.png"

Special Interest Groups

  • Located in _data/group.yml
  • Can have the following information set:
    • name: required, a short lowercase name to identify the group. Note: you must put a dash, then a space, before the username value. e.g. - username:
    • groupname: required, the group's full, property capitalized name.
    • description: required, an overall group description.
    • leaders: required, a comma-seperated list of the group leaders, from the username field of the authors (see above).
    • icon: required, the name of an icon from Font Awesome.
    • features: required, this is an array of various features of the group (composed of a title and description). At least one feature is required
      • title: required, the short identifier for the feature section.
      • description: required, an explanation of the feature.
  • Example special interest group:
  - name: web-development
    groupname: "Web Development"
    description: "We primarily focus on developing and extending the Mason ACM website (hint: this is the Mason ACM website)."
    leaders: dalton
    icon: code
      - title: "General Information"
        description: "We will be working a lot with the mobile special interest group to integrate features that work across both platforms. We plan to have multiple website redesigns to make the website as responsive and user friendly as possible. We will be using frameworks such as Laravel to make the website. The website will also be responsive on the mobile web, so users not on supported platforms can still view the website on their mobile browsers."
      - title: "Membership"
        description: "Come talk to one of the chairmen if you are interested in contributing to the website. We will primarily need content writers and bug testers to find bugs on the website. If you have any features that you want to add to the website, come talk to us and we can try to implement it."
      - title: "Master Classes"
        description: "Every now and then, INTERalliance will host a PHP Master class. This is a great way to get your feet wet with web development. If you are interested in making websites or contributing to the Mason ACM website then it is highly recommended that you go. INTERalliance may also have other master classes in Django or Rails."


Mason ACM is styled using Sass. Sass is similar to CSS, however, it has more customizable properties (e.g. variables, nested properties, etc.). The stylesheets are divided into multiple files in the _sass directory, and automatically compiled in the css directory.


For content that you can't edit using the above methods (e.g. the download VB6 page), you can edit the page itself. Note that familiarity with HTML, Jekyll, and Liquid tags. First, Check the file itself. If that doesn't contain the code snippet you're looking to edit, check the _layouts directory, using the type: value from the top of the page to find the correct file. If the code isn't in _layouts, then check _includes.


  • index.html is a _layouts/default layout, which pulls from _includes/navigation.html.
  • vb6/index.html is a _layouts/default layout, which pulls from _includes/navigation.html.
  • blog/index.html pulls from _includes/list-posts.html and is a _layouts/page layout, which pulls from the _layouts/default page, which pulls from _includes/navigation.html.
  • All special interest group pages are a _layouts/group layout, which pulls from the _layouts/default page, which pulls from _includes/navigation.html.
  • All posts are a _layouts/post layout, which pulls from the _layouts/default page, which pulls from _includes/navigation.html.