#Devcamp.io - An interactive playground for bootcamp students: past, present, and future!
###Contributors Danny Arango Github Website
Daniel Barranco Github Website
- A back-end project for DigitalCrafts that must utiilze a server side languange
- Utilize scrum agile methodology implemented via scrum meetings and scrum board to track our progress
- Devcamp.io is site where coding bootcamp students, potential students, and graduates can come to post blogs about their experiences and discuss topics in the forum
- Users can register for an account
- Users can upload an avatar for their account
- Users can post blogs, follow other members and favorite blogs
- Users can post threads and reply to threads in the forum
#Technologies, Frameworks, and Programming Languages used
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Python
Bootstrap, Angularjs, Flask, SASS
#Project Screenshots