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Joe D edited this page Sep 5, 2018 · 3 revisions

Getting Started

Make sure you install flutter for your platform.

Grab the source
git clone

Generate your secrets.json Check out this page of the wiki for instructions on generating your secrets.json


Generate a keysign certificate Check out this page of the wiki for instructions on setting up your keysigning certificate

Create file Check out this page of the wiki for instructions on creating a file


DitRa will run on iOS and Android, the setup is very similar on both so I will keep it to just this one section on building.


If you're only running the app to test a feature/bugfix, you should run the app using flutter run. Flutter will connect to any iOS or Android device/emulator that is properly configured, running and connected and run the app.
In android studio, just click the run button. In VSCode, you can open the terminal and type flutter run, or you can open the debug menu and start debugging. For XCode, I'm not sure, sorry. When running, you can press the hot reload button in Android Studio or VSCode, or press r in the terminal to quickly reload any changes you make while ditra is running. I've found some changes need a full restart. In that case, you can stop DitRa by either pressing the stop button or pressing q.


Hop into a terminal and run flutter build (ios/apk) in the root directory

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