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Lesson Overviews vs Knowledge Checks

01zulfi edited this page Jun 4, 2022 · 1 revision

Lesson Overviews vs Knowledge Checks

Knowledge Checks should not be copy/pasted Lesson Overviews, because they serve different roles.

Lesson Overviews

  • high level
  • general overview of some key items that will be learned over the course of the lesson

For example, if we had a lesson about making pizza a Lesson Overview might be: "how to make pizza sauce"

Knowledge Checks

  • detailed
  • ask one specific question
  • help students know that they've learned the core concepts of the lesson
  • can be directly answered by our content or one of the resources that we link directly to
  • link to the section of our content / the resource where the answer can be found when clicked

For example, on our pizza-making lesson a Knowledge Check might be: "what is the key difference between pizza sauce and pasta sauce?" if in our content we cover (or link to a resource that covers) that difference.

How many of each should there be?

In most of our lessons, the number of Lesson Overviews and Knowledge Checks should be between 3 and 7 each.

For lessons that are particularly long or cover a large number of different topics more may be needed, but before doing the work to make a large number of Lesson Overviews or Knowledge Checks please comment on the issue you've been assigned (or post in the suggestions-bugs channel if you don't have an issue) and ask if the maintainer team agrees in your assessment.