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(fka Discord.Net.PowerShell)

PowerShell module for managing Discord, including interactions. The module is built on top of Discord.Net.

This module was originally designed to provide the bare minimum functionality to support a Discord bot in PowerShell. However, there seems to be an interest in Discord management from PowerShell so this module is being extended to provide additional functionality.

If there is a feature you need, please submit an issue and/or submit a PR.


  • User management
  • Role management
  • Webhook management
  • Unit tests
  • Your request here

Functionality Overview

As of v0.1.2:

  • Manage channels (add, get, remove, update)
  • Get roles
  • Get Guilds
  • Manage guild commands (get, create, remove)
  • Test and parse interactions
  • Send a message or a file


Install-Module Discordant


At this time, all testing is done via a bot with full admin permissions to a test Discord server. You can create a bot in the Discord developer portal by first creating an application and then adding a bot to it. Then, go to the OAuth2 section to create a URL with the desired permissions which you will browse to and then add the bot to your server.

Authentication is done with:

# Authenticate with bot token (from Discord dev portal):
Connect-Discord -RestClient -TokenType Bot -Token '<token>'

Other authentications methods are supported by the underlying SDK, but have not been tested. Please open an issue if you run into problems.

Example usage

# Get your guild (server):
$guild = Get-DiscordGuild | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Bot Testing' }

# Get channels
Get-DiscordChannel -Guild $guild

# Create a slash command with a single parameter
New-DiscordGuildCommand -Name 'start-server' -Description 'Start a server' -Guild $guild -CommandBuilder (
    New-DiscordSlashCommand -Name 'start-server' -Description 'Start a server' -Options @(
        (New-DiscordSlashCommandOption -Name 'server' -Description 'The selected server' -Type String)


0.1.2 - Adds Send-DiscordFile

  • New cmdlet enables sending of files to a Discord text channel.

0.1.1 - Fixes Get-DiscordGuildCommand -Guild

  • See #2.

0.1.0 - Renamed to Discordant

  • Added commands for channel management (get, set, new, remove)
  • Added Get-DiscordRole
  • Added output formats

0.0.1 - Initial Release