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Open Fortress Plugins

A collection of SourceMod plugins i made for Open Fortress dedicated servers (

Player Stats (1.21a)

Keeps track of your stats!

ConVar Description Default Value Acceptable Values Notes
sm_playerstats_table The table to use "player_stats" any ascii string
sm_playerstats_hugs Keep track of hugs (when players kill each other within a short timespan) 0 0 or 1
sm_playerstats_hugs_top Show the best hugger in !top (must have hugs enabled beforehand for this to apply) 1 0 or 1
sm_playerstats_hugtime Maximum amount of time that can pass when players killing each other is considered a hug 1.25 0-5
smplayerstats_offlineplayerstats Whether players can see offline players' stats using their SteamID2 0 0 or 1
sm_playerstats_minheadshots How many headshots a player must have before they can be a headshotter in !top 10 0-1000
sm_playerstats_cheats Keep updating stats even if sv_cheats are enabled 0 0 or 1
sm_playerstats_debug Print most stat changes to the corresponding player 0 0 or 1

Server commands:

sm_playerstats_stats "View your stats (or someone else's)"
sm_playerstats_top "View the top players"

Admin commands:

sm_playerstats_offlinestats "View an offline player's stats using their SteamID2"
sm_playerstats_reset "Reset a player's stats (u evil thing)"
sm_playerstats_erase "Delete all stats a player has without re-initializing new ones (also kicks the player)"

Extra installation steps:

Make a database entry in addons/sourcemod/config/databases.cfg called "player_stats"

Associated server tag: "playerstats"

Killstreaks (1.41)

Keep track of players' killstreaks and announce the highest killstreak each round

ConVar Description Default Value Acceptable Values Notes
of_killstreaks_enabled Enable this plugin 1 0 or 1
of_killstreaks_server Count the server's kills 0 0 or 1
of_killstreaks_announce_progress_amount The amount of frags required to announce a killstreak 5 Any reasonable number Announces each N frags, not just once
of_killstreaks_announce_progress Announce killstreaks every N frags 1 0 or 1
of_killstreaks_announce_interrupt Announce killstreaks getting interrupted (when someone with a killstreak dies) 1 0 or 1
of_killstreaks_announce_end Announce the highest killstreaker at the end of the round 1 0 or 1
of_killstreaks_announce_console Announce killstreaks to the server console 1 0 or 1

Server commands:

of_killstreaks_reset "Set everyone's killstreak back to 0" (Admin command)

Associated server tag: "killstreaks"

Map Dependent Frag Limit (1.3)

Lets you assign a frag limit to a map

You can use this plugin in conjunction with Dynamic Frags, but if you do, make sure you aren't setting sm_dynamicfrags_basefrags in your config files!

ConVar Description Default Value Acceptable Values Notes
of_mapfraglimit_enabled Enable map dependent frag limit 0 0 or 1
of_mapfraglimit_announce Announce the frag limit for the map in chat 1 0 or 1
of_mapfraglimit_file The 2nd config file path cfg/sourcemod/mapfraglimit-maps.cfg Any file path

The 2nd config file must have the map names and their respective frag limits 2nd config file example:

dm_skate 10
dm_gump 20
dm_doomspire_alt2 15
dm_crossfire 25

Server commands:

of_mapfraglimit_reload "Reload the 2nd config for this plugin" (Admin command)

Associated server tag: "mapfraglimit"

Jumppad Mod (1.4)

Modifies jumppads without the need to recompile maps

ConVar Description Default Value Acceptable Values Notes
of_jumppad_only_add Modifies all of the jumppads to add to the player's velocity instead of resetting it 1 0 or 1
of_jumppad_force_multiplier 1 (-10)-10
of_jumppad_force_multiplier_width 1 (-10)-10
of_jumppad_force_multiplier_height 1 (-10)-10

Associated server tag: none

WeaponTag (1.51)

Fun (hopefully) gamemode that forces people to use the weapon you kill them with. (e.g. if someone kills you with a rocket launcher you'll be forced to use only the rocket launcher until you frag someone)

If you're tagged you won't have a weapon pullout animation on spawn

You can drop the forced weapon if the server allows it, which is silly... so don't allow dropping weps on your server ig

ConVar Description Default Value Acceptable Values Notes
of_weapontag_enabled Enable the gamemode that forces people to use the weapon you kill them with 0 0 or 1
of_weapontag_frags Amount of frags required to untag someone after they've been tagged 1 1-50
of_weapontag_can_tag_while_tagged Whether can tagged players tag others 0 0 or 1 To prevent infinite weapon loops
of_weapontag_refresh_weapon If someone that's already tagged dies again, their forced weapon gets updated to the one they were killed with 1 0 or 1
of_weapontag_stripweapons Remove other weapons on spawn if tagged 1 0 or 1
of_weapontag_tint_weapon Change the tagged player's weapon color to red 1 0 or 1
of_weapontag_distort Change a tagged player's render fx to look a bit like a hologram 1 0 or 1 Isn't really that visible...
of_weapontag_servertag Apply a 'weapontag' tag to the server 1 0 or 1 Do people even look at server tags?
of_weapontag_debug An extra option to clutter up the server console (print useless stuff) 0 0 or 1

Associated server tag: "weapontag"

StripWeapons (1.2)

Removes all weapons (or only the pistol) from a player when they spawn

ConVar Description Default Value Acceptable Values Notes
of_stripweapons Remove all weapons from a player when they spawn 0 0 or 1 Causes t-posing
of_strippistol Remove the pistol from a player when they spawn 0 0 or 1

Associated server tag: "stripweapons"

RocketSpeed (1.2)

Modify the rocket projectile speed

ConVar Description Default Value Acceptable Values Notes
of_rocketspeed Rocket projectile speed multiplier 1 0-3 Values higher than 3 cause problems

Associated server tag: "rocketspeed"

Entity Classname Logger (1.0)

Prints out a list of all current entities

Server commands:

sm_printentities "Print out all entity classnames to the server console"


  1. Compile the plugins using a SourcePawn compiler (there should be one or more in /addons/sourcemod/scripting) OR Download the compiled plugins from one of the releases (doesn't need to be the latest one, it's just that they have more features & bugfixes)

  2. (If you're compling) If you don't already have, add it to your /addons/sourcemod/scripting/include from here

  3. Put the compiled plugins in your server plugins folder (/addons/sourcemod/plugins)

  4. Download the translations file (put in /addons/sourcemod/translations)

  5. Verify that they're loaded on the server using "sm plugins list"

    If you have any issues or suggestions, feel free to message me on Discord (@ratest) or make an issue on this repo