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Hacking fundamentals and where to start

Table of Contents


The basics

Step Tutorial
1. Introductory Networking
2. What is Networking?
3. DNS in detail
4. Intro to Lan
5. Linux Fundamentls
6. Python Basic
7. OWASP Top 10
8. OWASP Juice Shop
9. Network exploitation
10. Web Exploitation
11. Metasploit
12. Vulnversity
13. Basic Pentesting
14. Rooms


You can skip any of the tutorials if you don't wanna learn them.

Linux Fundamentals

Learn Linux because it's better than Windows.

Tutorial Tags
Linux Fundamentals Part 1 Filesystem, Search File, Shell Operators
Linux Fundamentals Part 2 Flags, Switches, Permissions, Common Directories
Linux Fundamentals Part 3 Terminal Text Editor, General Utilities, Process 101, Automation, Package Manager, Logs

Network exploitation

Learning network exploitation is a fundamental but if you want to skip it its cool.

Tutorial Tags
DNS in detail What is DNS, Domain Hierarchy, Record Types, Making A Request
DNS Manipulation DNS, How to manipulate DNS records
Intro to Lan LAN Topologies, Subnetting, ARP, DHCP
Nmap Switches, TCP Connect, SYN, UDP, NULL, FIN, Xmas, Scripts, Firewall Evasion
Nmap Live Host Discovery Security, Mapping, Network
RustScan Security, PortScanner, Extensible, Fast
Wireshark: The Basics Tool to analyze network traffic
Traffic Analysis Essentials Wireshark, Network Security, PCAP, Network Analysis
TShark Tool and usage

Web Exploitation

Exploiting the web is the best part and mostly the easiest so learning this skill will help you out in all ways possible.

Tutorial Tags
HTTP in detail HTTPS, Request, Response, HTTP Methods, HTTP Status Codes, Headers, Cookies
Walking An Application Exploring the website, Developer Tools (Inspector, Debugger, Network)
Web Application Security Web Application Security Risks, Example of Web App Security
Intro To Offensive Security Offensive Security
Content Discovery Security, Web
ffuf Directory bruteforcing, fuzzing
Burp Suite: The Basics Introduction, Installation, Dashboard, Navigation, Options, Burp Proxy, FoxyProxy, BurpSuite Browser
Burp Suite: Repeater Repeater, Basic Usage, Inspector
Hydra Bruteforcing, Commands, Command Flags
SQL Injection Databases, SQL, SQLi, Authentication Bypass, Boolean Based, Time Based, Out-of-Bound SQLi
SQLMAP Usage, Commands, Command Flags
SQL Injection Lab Security, SQLI, SQLMap, Web
NoSQL injection Basic Basics, Bypassing, Logging in as other Users, Extracting Passwords
SSTI Detection, Identification, Syntax, Exploitation
Javascript Basics Javascript, Variables, itd.


Metasploit is a great tool for penetration testing and it should be learnt.

Tutorial Tags
Metasploit: Introduction
Wreath Pivoting, Empire, AV evasion, Network

Windows Fundamentals

Here you will learn how to exploit windows, Windows AD, and Windows Servers

Tutorial Tags
Windows Fundamentals 1 Windows, Fundamentals
Windows Fundamentals 2 Windows, Fundamentals, UAC, MSConfig
Windows Fundamentals 3 Windows, BitLocker, Windows Security
Attacktive Directory Basics AD, Windows
AD Certificate Templates AD Certificates, Misconfiguration
Attacktive Directory Active Directory, Kerberos, SMB
Enumerating Active Directory AD, Sharphound
Breaching Active Directory AD
Windows PrivEsc Privilege escalation


Don't learn crypto

Tutorial Tags
Encryption-Crypto 101 Security, Crypto, 101, Encryption
Cryptography For Dummies Cryptography, Easy


OSINT is a way of passively getting information from the web about a user.

Tutorial Tags
OhSINT OSINT, Internet, Dorks


Recon is a way of gathering information about a system.

Tutorial Tags
Passive Reconnaissance Security, Reconnaissance, Footprinting
Active Reconnaissance Networking, Linux, Security
Read Team Recon Security, Recon-ng, Maltego, dig


Learn digital forensics and related processes and experiment with practical examples.

Tutorial Tags
Intro to Digital Forensics Security, Digital Forensics, Metadata
Windows Forensics 1 Forensics, Registry, Blue
Disk Analysis Autopsy, Medium


These are other tutorials which you can do to deepen your knowledge.

Tutorial Tags
Pentesting Fundamentals Cybersecurity, Framework, Penetration Testing, Ethics
Blue Windows, Eternal Blue, MS17-010, CVE2017-0144
Intro to Docker What is docker, How is it used
The Great Escape Escaping Docker
Android Hacking 101 Android Hacking, Exploiting
REmux The Tmux Terminal multiplexer
Introduction To Flask Python, Flask, Web


Rooms are mostly like CTF challenges where you hack it. Pick some of them to sharpen your skills in different fields of hacking.

Room Tags
Intermediate Nmap Nmap, netcat
Pickle Rick CTF, Dirbuster, Linux
Kenobi Samba, Path Var Manipulation, SUID, SMB
RootMe Security, Web, Linux, Privilege Escalation
VulnNet Linux, Web, PHP, Privilege Escalation
VulnNet: dotjar Linux, Web, Java, Privilege Escalation
VulnNet: Internal Linux, Enumeration, Pivoting, Privilege Escalation
VulnNet: Active Windows Server, Enumeration, PowerShell, Command Injection
VulnNet: dotpy Python, Linux, Web, Privilege Escalation
VulnNet: Roasted Windows Server, Active Directory, Enumeration, Roasting
VulnNet: Node Linux, Web, Javascript, NodeJS, Privilege Escalation
VulnNet: Endgame Security, Penetration Testing, Linux, Web
Templates Pug Template engine
That's The Ticket Security, Web, XSS, DNS
Linux PrivEsc Privilege Escalation, Linux
Linux Agency Linux, Privilege Escalation, Sudo, Docker


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