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This project has several "recipes" to create greenfield projects as a starting point.


Key technologies:

To get up and running with the existing code:

# Navigate to the directory
% cd typescript

# Install dependencies
% npm install

# Run scripts as desired 🤓

## EXAMPLE: Run tests
% npm test

## EXAMPLE: Run tests and generate a code coverage report
% npm run test:coverage

## EXAMPLE: Run tests with verbose output
% npm run test:verbose

## EXAMPLE: Run tests with verbose output and generate a code coverage report
% npm run test:verbose:coverage

## EXAMPLE: Run code in development
% npm start

## EXAMPLE: Build project
% npm run build

## EXAMPLE: Run production code after building the project
% npm run start:prod

RECIPE: Set up a greenfield TypeScript project

To set up a greenfield environment for developing and iterating on my TypeScript solution:

# Create the directory
% mkdir -p typescript

# Navigate to the directory
% cd typescript

# Configure TypeScript by creating our tsconfig.json file
% touch tsconfig.json

# Initialize package.json
% npm init -y

# Install dependencies to use TypeScript and Jest for testing our code
% npm install ts-node typescript jest ts-jest @types/jest --save-dev

# Configure Jest for TypeScript in our package.json file
# Add scripts for building, testing, and generating code coverage reporting in our package.json file

# Create directories for our TypeScript code and tests
% mkdir src
% mkdir tests

# Create example TypeScript code and tests


Key technologies:

To get up and running with the existing code:

# Navigate to the directory
% cd python

# Initialize the Python virtual environment
% python3 -m venv .venv

# Activate the Python virtual environment
# On Windows, use `.venv\Scripts\activate`
% source .venv/bin/activate

# Install the packages from requirements.txt
(.venv) % pip install -r requirements.txt

# To run the code:
(.venv) % python3 src/

# To run tests:
(.venv) % pytest

# To run tests and automatically view the HTML coverage report on macOS:
(.venv) % pytest --cov=. --cov-report=html && open htmlcov/index.html

# To run tests with verbose output:
(.venv) % pytest -v

# To run tests with verbose output and automatically view the HTML coverage report on macOS:
(.venv) % pytest -v --cov=. --cov-report=html && open htmlcov/index.html

# To run a single unit test
(.venv) % pytest tests/lib/

# Deactivate your virtual environment
(.venv) % deactivate

RECIPE: Set up a greenfield Python project

To set up a greenfield environment for developing and iterating on my Python solution:

# Create the directory
% mkdir -p python

# Navigate to the directory
% cd python

# Initialize the Python virtual environment
% python3 -m venv .venv

# Activate the Python virtual environment
# On Windows, use `.venv\Scripts\activate`
% source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) %

# Install Python testing packages
(.venv) % pip install pytest pytest-cov

# To uninstall the package from your virtual environment
# (.venv) % pip uninstall <package_name>

# OPTIONAL: Upgrade pip if prompted
(.venv) % pip install --upgrade pip

# When you are ready to generate a requirements.txt file
(.venv) % pip freeze > requirements.txt

# To remove a dependency from requirements.txt if it exists
# (.venv) % pip uninstall -r requirements.txt

# Create the main Python code
# Create tests

# To run tests:
(.venv) % pytest

# To run tests and automatically view the HTML coverage report on macOS:
(.venv) % pytest --cov=. --cov-report=html && open htmlcov/index.html

# To run a single unit test
(.venv) % pytest tests/lib/

# Deactivate your virtual environment
(.venv) % deactivate

Next.js + FastAPI

Key technologies:

We will use the Next.js FastAPI Starter at

The Python/FastAPI server is mapped to the Next.js app under /api/. This is implemented using next.config.js rewrites to map any request to /api/:path to the FastAPI API.

We can use Next.js app router API handling, as well. An example endpoint has been created at services/hello/route.ts as an example.

On localhost, the rewrite will be made to the - which is where the FastAPI server is running. In production, the FastAPI server is hosted as Python serverless functions on Vercel.

To get up and running with the existing code:

# Navigate to the directory
% cd nextjs-fastapi

# Install dependencies
% npm install

# Run the development server
% npm run dev

# Run tests for the Next.js + FastAPI code
% npm test

# Run tests for the Next.js + FastAPI code and open code coverage reports
% npm run test:coverage

Next.js URLs


RECIPE: Set up a greenfield Next.js + FastAPI project

To set up a greenfield environment for developing and iterating with Next.js and FastAPI, we will use the Next.js FastAPI Starter template as recommended by Vercel:

# Navigate to the recipes directory
% cd recipes

# Use create-next-app to create a fresh Next.js application using the Next.js + FastAPI starter
% npx create-next-app nextjs-fastapi --example ""

# As of this writing, the Next.js + FastAPI Starter is using Next.js v13. Let's upgrade to the latest.

# Update to Next.js v14
% npm i next@latest react@latest react-dom@latest eslint-config-next@latest

# Run the development server
% npm run dev

Next.js URLs



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