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#User Resource


Return data pertaining to a User and their Location

Requires Authentication

  • Requires valid User ID when querying API

##POST /user/:userid/location Update user location


  • userId (required) - Id of current user
  • request body (required) - Included in this body is:
    • 'location' - New location of user
    • 'battery' - Battery status of user


  • Returns status and result of action

##POST /user/:userid/allow Allow another user(s) to see user's location


  • userId (required) - Id of current user
  • request body (required) - Included in this body is:
    • 'emails' - Object containing users' emails we are giving permission to
      • Format - {integer: email}


  • Returns status and result of action

##DELETE /user/:userid/allow/targetUserId Stop another user from seeing the user's current position


  • userId (required) - Id of current user
  • targetUserId (required) - Id of user to block


  • Returns status and result of action

##POST /user/:userid/ignore Add other user(s) to the user's ignore list


  • userId (required) - Id of current user
  • request body (required) - Included in this body is:
    • 'ids' - Object containing the ids of the users to be ignored
      • Format - {integer: id}


  • Returns status and result of action

##DELETE /user/:userid/ignore/targetUserId Remove another user from the current user's ignore list


  • userId (required) - Id of current user
  • targetUserId (required) - Id of user to remove from the ignore list


  • Returns status and result of action

##PUT /user/:userid/visibility Toggle the user's global visibility


  • userId (required) - Id of current user
  • request body (required) - Included in this body is:
    • 'visibility' - boolean value describing visibility


  • Returns status and result of action

##PUT /user/:userid/language Set the user's language


  • userId (required) - Id of current user
  • request body (required) - Included in this body is:
    • 'language' - string value describing language


  • Returns status and result of action

##POST /user/:userid/apnToken Set the user's remote iOS notification token


  • userId (required) - Id of current user
  • request body (required) - Included in this body is:
    • 'apnToken' - iOS apn token
      • warning If body.apnToken is undefined, stop sending notifications


  • Returns status and result of action

##POST /user/:userid/gcmToken Set the user's remote android notification token


  • userId (required) - Id of current user
  • request body (required) - Included in this body is:
    • 'gcmToken' - android notification token
      • warning If body.gcmToken is undefined, stop sending notifications


  • Returns status and result of action

##POST /user/:userid/wp8NotificationURL Set the user's remote Windows Phone 8 notification token


  • userId (required) - Id of current user
  • request body (required) - Included in this body is:
    • 'wp8' - android notification token
      • warning If body.wp8 is undefined, stop sending notifications


  • Returns status and result of action

##GET /user/:userid/dashboard Get: - Locations of users that the current user can see - List of users that can see the current user - Current global visibility status


  • userId (required) - Id of current user


  • Returns status and result of action

##GET /user/:userid/contacts Get: - Locations of users that the current user can see - List of users that can see the current user - List of ignored users - List of custom contact names


  • userId (required) - Id of current user


  • Returns status and a JSON object containing user's contact data

##DELETE /user/:userid/contacts/:targetUserId Removes a contact from user's can see and can be seen by lists, ignore list and custom name list


  • userId (required) - Id of current user
  • targetUserId (required) - Id of contact to be deleted


  • Returns status and result of action

##POST /user/:userid/rename/:targetUserId Assigns a custom, user-specific nickname to target contact


  • userId (required) - Id of current user
  • targetUserId (required) - Id of contact to be renamed
  • request body (required) - Included in this body is:
    • 'name' - Object containing the new contact name
      • Format - {string: name}


  • Returns status and result of action

##POST /user/:userid/update/locations Send notifications to all users the current user can see to update their location


  • userId (required) - Id of current user


  • Returns status and result of action

##POST /user/:userid/place Store a new place for current user


  • userId (required) - Id of current user
  • request body (required) - Included in this body is:
    • 'name' - The name of the place
    • 'lat' - Latitude of place
    • 'lon' - Longitude of place
    • 'rad' - Radius of place
    • 'img' - Image used for place


  • Returns status and result of action
    • If place data is invalid, returns 400
    • If place limit has been reached, returns 403

##PUT /user/:userid/place/:placeId Update existing place


  • userId (required) - Id of current user
  • placeId (required) - Id of place to update
  • request body (required) - Included in this body is:
    • 'name' - The name of the place
    • 'lat' - Latitude of place
    • 'lon' - Longitude of place
    • 'rad' - Radius of place
    • 'img' - Image used for place


  • Returns status and result of action
    • If place data is invalid, returns 400

##DELETE /user/:userid/place/:placeId Delete existing place


  • userId (required) - Id of current user
  • placeId (required) - Id of place to delete


  • Returns status and result of action

##GET /user/:userid/places Get all places of user


  • userId (required) - Id of current user


  • Returns status and result of action
    • Success format:
      • 200, {placeId1: {name: , lat: , long: , rad: , img: }, placeId2: ...}