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Adding sounds

static edited this page Sep 4, 2023 · 3 revisions

Sounds are loaded and used in the mod based on their RecipeType names. If you've added a new machine or multiblock, you've most likely already done this here.

Adding your sound

Sound files will be placed in the kubejs/assets/mi_sound_addon/sounds folder. If you do not have the mi_sound_addon and it's sounds subfolder, you will need to create them. Sound files must be in the .ogg file format. The name of the file in this location does not matter, as you will be defining the path to the resource in the next part. The file name does need to be all lowercase however.

Additionally, in the kubejs/assets/mi_sound_addon directory, you will need to create a sounds.json file. The JSON must be of the corresponding format below:

  "your_custom_recipetype": {
    "category": "block",
    "sounds": [

Please note that the path to your .ogg file does NOT include the extension and MUST be prefixed with mi_sound_addon:.

Modifying duration and volume

By default, sounds are given a duration of 60 ticks or 3 seconds. However this time doesn't always match to your sound, to modify this, you can create a startup script in KubeJS using the MISoundAddons.modifySounds event. Here's an example of how to use that event in your startup script.

MISoundAddons.modifySounds(e => {
    e.modifyDuration("your_custom_recipetype", 20);
    e.modifyVolume("your_custom_recipetype", 0.75);

modifyDuration changes the duration in ticks, not seconds. (There are 20 ticks in 1 second).

modifyVolume changes the volume of the sound, on a scale from 0.0 - 1.0. (I think you can go above 1.0, but it can make the sound extremely loud, use with caution).

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