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Benjamin Landers edited this page Jul 25, 2020 · 3 revisions

The last part of hello world that has yet to be explained is how to make a system call.

System calls

System calls are a way to telling the Operating System (OS) that your program would like to do something like print text to the screen, play a sound or open a file. To do that we general have to cross the kernel-user boundrary.

The way to actually cross the boundary is with system calls. By executing the ecall instruction we transition to kernel mode and then the OS can handle our request and then return control to the program.

Note: In Windows you don't use system calls directly; instead you call a function which makes the system call for you. RARS however tries to match Linux's behavior regarding system calls.

If you want to issue a system call, first you look in the supported system call list, find its system call number.

That number will need to be saved into register a7/x17; the OS needs to know what you are trying to do. Then if the system call needs inputs those will be put in a0-a6. With that in place, when ecall is executed, the OS will execute the call and if there is output put it in a0.

Function calls

Function calls are similar to system calls, but we don't need to cross the kernel boundary. Instead we save our current location and jump to the beginning of a function; when that function is done it will jump back to that saved location.

A simple function might look like:

add_one: # has a C declaration of: int add_one(int);
  addi a0, a0, 1
  jalr zero, ra, 0 # Alternatively psuedo-op ret

  li a0, 2
  jal ra, add_one # Alternatively psuedo-op "jal add_one" or "call add_one" 
  jal ra, add_one
  # a0 should now be 4

The new instructions are jal and jalr. They stand for "Jump And Link" and "Jump And Link Register" respectively.

jal works by saving the current address into its register argument and jumping to the label argument. jalr is similar but it jumps to the address stored in its second argument added with some offset.

So jal ra, add_one saves the current address into ra, and jumps to the add_one function. The body of the function is executed and then jalr zero, ra, 0 jumps back to the saved location without saving the current location.

Register Names

While registers can be used for pretty much anything, their is a standard on how to use them so code written by different people will work together. Table 18.2 from the RISC-V standard:

Register ABI name Decription Saver
x0 zero Hard-wired zero
x1 ra Return address Caller
x2 sp Stack pointer Callee
x3 gp Global pointer
x4 tp Thread pointer
x5–7 t0–2 Temporaries Caller
x8 s0/fp Saved register/frame pointer Callee
x9 s1 Saved register Callee
x10–11 a0–1 Function arguments/return values Caller
x12–17 a2–7 Function arguments Caller
x18–27 s2–11 Saved registers Callee
x28–31 t3–6 Temporaries Caller

The saver column is referring to who should save a register to memory when calling a function. If its Caller saved, then if you want to keep the register's value you need to save it before you call a function. And if its Callee saved then you need to save it before you overwrite it, when your function is being called. Some examples of proper calling convention will be shown in future tutorials.

zero, gp and tp don't have a saver because they are intended to stay the same across function calls.

Using the stack

The stack pointer provides a way for functions to store data while letting called functions use registers or to store extra data that can't fit in registers.

The general idea is that functions can move the pointer to reserve space in memory to write and then when the function is ready to return move the pointer back where it started.

More precisely, the register x2 / sp represents an available pointer aligned to at least a word boundary (more in some situations); this means that sw zero, 0(sp) would not write over any data in the stack.