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Various scripts and utilities for controlling characters in Unity.


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Unity Character-Dev

This is developer project to accompany the Character Unity Package. If you want to use the character package in your own project you do not need this project, however, this is useful for developing the character package itself. It also contains some configurations of popular character packs and animation packs.

User Setup

Install, via Package Manager, from Git:

Dev Setup

  • Checkout this project using git clone
  • Open the Character Dev project in Unity.

Getting Started

This section will walk you through getting started with the Character Dev project.

Testing Character Unity Package

The project is intended to be self documenting through demo scens, so get started in the Assets/Wizards Code/Character AI/Scenes/ folder. Within there you will find a number of numbered subfolders. Inside each subfolder are some numbered scenes. The intention is that you will work through the scenes in order as each one introduces a new concept.

When you load a scene it will first show you a brief description of the scene. The goal is for this description to give you enough information to dig into the scene game objects to understand what it happening. Therefore, if you don't know your way around Unity yet you will be pretty lost. But if you are comfortable in unity you should be able to find your way around.

Note this is an ever evolving project and you are working with development code. There is no guarantee that things will work as expected. The code is not necessarily well structured either, we do try to refactor as we go, but we've not yet released an alpha stage, let alone a beta or production stage. This code is for the brave.

We welcome your questions on Discord - better yet we welcome your contributions to make the code and documentation more valuable.

Creating a new Scene

In this section we will create a new scene from scratch, although the final output of this scene is available in the project at Packages/Wizards Code - Character/Scenes/Croweds/201 Pedestrians, you can follow along or simply use that scene as a reference.

  • Create a new scene
  • Add a plane called Ground
    • Reset position
    • Size = 10, 1, 10
    • Material = grass
  • Add a small city, easiest way is to drag in Packages/Wizards Code - Character/Prefabs/Prototyping/City Blocks
    • NOTE: if you use this prefab it is already setup with some required NavMesh settings, these will have to be setup manually if you create your city in a different way. More on this later.
  • Add an empty game object called Crowd Spawner roughly at the center of one block
    • Add a Spawner component
      • Spawn Definition = City Pedestrians in Three Colors
      • Number of Spawns = 100
      • Radius = 100
      • On Nav Mesh = true
  • Duplicate the Crowd Spawner and move it to roughly the center of the other block
  • Open the Navigation Window
    • If using the City Block example prefab then NavMesh areas will be setup already, otherwise these will need to be setup
    • Bake the NavMesh
    • Inspect the navmesh to ensure there are joints between the various navmesh areas. If you have gaps descreas the voxel size - for the demo prefabv 0.06 works will
  • Position the camera so you can see the city
  • Hit Play

Create a City with CiDy 2

  • Create a new scene
  • Add a terrain
  • Window - CiDy -> CiDy Editor
  • Click Find or Create Scene Graph
  • Create the blocks
    • Shift + Right Click to add nodes
    • Shift + Left Click to select a node
  • Set the block type
    • Shift + Left Click on the cell for the block
    • Set Cell District Theme in the inspector
    • Click Generate
  • Create some curvey roads
    • Shift click the road
    • Move the handles
    • Click Generate

Add Traffic

Add Pedestrians

Using your own models for the Pedestrians

Using your own models for the city

Building into the terrain


Various scripts and utilities for controlling characters in Unity.



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