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CSC3050 Computer Architecture

  • HW1: MIPS assembler
  • HW2: MIPS simulator
  • HW3: Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) implementation
  • HW4: A 5-stage pipelined CPU

CSC4140 (same to CS 184 at UCB) Computer Graphics

  • HW1: Basics operations of vectors and matrix
    • Basic vector operations
    • Basic matrix operations
    • SVD decomposition of "lenna"
    • Basic transformation operations
  • HW2: Transformation: From Model to Screen
  • HW3&4: Rasterization
    • Draw a single color triangles
    • Antialiasing
    • Transforms
    • Barycentric coordinate
    • Barycentric coordinate
    • Texture mapping
    • Mipmapping (bonus)
  • HW5: Geometry
    • Part I: Bezier Curves and Surfaces
      • Bezier curves with 1D de Casteljau subdivision
      • Bezier surfaces with separable 1D de Casteljau
    • Part II: Bezier Curves and Surfaces
      • Area-weighted vertex normals
      • Edge flip
      • Edge split
      • Loop subdivision for mesh upsampling
  • HW6: Ray Tracing
    • Part 1: Ray Generation and Scene Intersection
    • Part 2: Bounding Volume Hierarchy
    • Part 3: Direct Illumination
    • Part 4: Global Illumination
    • Part 5: Adaptive Sampling
  • HW7: Ray Tracing II
    • Mirror and Glass Materials
    • Microfacet Material
    • Environment Light
    • Depth of Field
  • Final Project: From point to cloud
    • Ball-pivoting algorithm
    • Poisson surface reconstruction

CSC 3150 Operating System

  • HW1: Process management
    • Task 1: Fork and signal detection
    • Task 2: Kernel implementation of fork, wait, execve..
    • Bouse: Implementation of linux command pstree
  • HW2: Multithread program
    • Task 1: simulate a frog crossing river
    • Bonus: http request schedule (thread pool)
  • HW3: Implement OS memory management
  • HW4: Implement OS file system

CSC 4005 Paralla Computing

  • HW1: odd even parallel sort (MPI)
  • HW2: mandelbrot set computation (MPI, Pthread)
  • HW3: N-body simulastion (MPI, Pthread, CUDA, OpenmMP, OpenMP + MPI)
  • HW4: heat Simulation (MPI, Pthread, CUDA, OpenmMP, OpenMP + MPI)

CSC 4120 Algorithm

  • Final Project: a simulation of injecting vaccine
    • Greedy algorithm: heavy-degree, heave-subtree greedy on tree
    • Game theory: Nash Equilibrium
    • Extension: segment tree - heavy decomposition

ECE 4016 Computer Network

  • HW1: UDP test (skip)
  • HW2: Adaptive Bitrate Streaming
    • An implementation of "Adaptation Algorithm for Adaptive Streaming over HTTP"
  • HW3: Network simulation (skip pka file)



Projects & Schoolwork at Undergraduate Stage






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