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Suite of pre-processing routines, heuristic solvers, and harnesses for comparing algorithms for Odd Cycle Transversal (graph bipartization).


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Practical OCT

(Image credit: Felix Reidl)

Environment Configuration

Practical OCT is implemented in Python and C/C++ (using clang). In addition, it makes use of two ILP solvers, GLPK and IBM CPLEX, and an additional implementation written in Java.

To build and run Practical OCT, both ILP solvers and the language toolchains for Python, C/C++, and Java must be available. It is known to support the following language and build tool versions.

Tool Version
Python 3.5.3
Clang 3.8.1-24
JDK 1.8.0_162
CPLEX 12.8
GLPK 4.61

To configure a development environment, first run make. The Makefile will

  • Build a new Python 3.5 virtual environment (local copy of Python 3.5 required)
  • Download the source for external solvers used in experiments
  • Compile all C/C++ and Java source code (clang and javac required)
  • Download and extract all original data files

The installed Python virtual environment can be activated with source env/bin/activate. With the Python virtual environment activated, install the CPLEX Python bindings according to the IBM documentation.


See REPLICABILITY for instructions on reproducing experiments.


Akiba-Iwata Solver

Solves VertexCover, optionally translating the answer to a solution for OCT.

python -m src.akiba_iwata.solver [option [option ...]] <snap-file>
Flag Values Description
timeout (0, INF) Timeout in seconds.
convert-to-oct N/A Whether or not to convert the answer to OCT.

Output will be in the format


where time is the total time in seconds, size is the number of vertices in the certificate, and certificate is a Python formatted list of vertices.

Heuristics Solver

Runs OCT heuristics on an edgelist formatted graph.

./src/heuristics/heuristics_solver <timelimit> <edgelist-file>

Timelimit is expressed in milliseconds.

Output will be in the format


where size is the number of vertices in the certificate, time is the total time in milliseconds, and certificate is a Python formatted list of vertices.

Iterative Compression Solver

Solves OCT on a Hüffner formatted graph file.

python -m src.huffner.solver [option [option ...]] <huffner-file>
Flag Values Description
timeout (0, INF) Time limit in seconds.
preprocessing {0, 1, 2} Preprocessing level (none, heuristics, heuristics+density).
seed (0, INF) Random number generator seed.
htime (0, INF) Amount of time, in seconds, to run heuristics for with preprocessing.

Output will be in the format


where time is the total time in seconds, size is the number of vertices in the certificate, and certificate is a Python formatted list of vertices.

ILP Solver

The general ILP solver can be used to solve VertexCover and OCT from snap and edgelist files.

python -m src.ilp.solver [option [option ...]] <edgelist-file|snap-file>
Flag Values Description
formulation VC, OCT Which problem formulation to solve for. Defaults to OCT.
mipgap [0, 1] Tolerated gap. Defaults to 0.
solver CPLEX, GLPK ILP solver used to compute solution. Defaults to GLPK.
threads [0, INF] Number of threads used to compute solution. Ignored for GLPK. Defaults to 1.
timelimit (0, INF) Time limit for computation in seconds. GLPK will cast to nearest second. Defaults to INF.
convert-to-oct {True, False} Whether or not to convert a VC solution to an OCT solution. Defaults to False.

Output will be in the form

n = int
m = int
opt = int
time = float
threads = int
mipgap = float
certificate = int int int ...
cuts =
    name: int

Data Formats

All preprocessed data conforms to one of the following data formats.


A graph file format. The first line is n m, where n is the number of vertices and m is the number of edges. All following lines are of the format u v, representing an edge between vertices u and v.

Edgelist files contain the preprocessed version of the original graph.


A graph file format for Hüffner's algorithm. Contains the following blocks

  • # Graph Name
  • # Number of Vertices
  • # Number of Edges
  • # Vertex Names
  • # Edges
  • # EOF

Each block, except for EOF, is followed by the a line or lines containing the data described in the header. Edges are formatted as u v pairs for an edge between vertex u and v.


A graph file format. Starts with the header

# Nodes: <int> Edges: <int>
# FromNodeId 	 ToNodeId

All subsequent lines are formatted as u v to indicate an edge between vertices u and v.

Snap files contain the VertexCover version of the preprocessed graph.


A preprocessing metadata file used for mapping all preprocessed vertices back to their name in the original graph. Each line contains a single vertex name pair.


A preprocessing metadata file that contains the list of vertices that were marked as must be OCT by preprocessing routines.


Summary files are written for beasley, gka, and huffner data. Each file is a CSV formatted file with the following headers.

Header Description
Dataset Name of a preprocessed dataset.
vertices_removed Number of vertices removed during preprocessing.
edges_removed Number of edges removed from
oct Number of vertices labeled as OCT.
bipartite Number of vertices labeled as bipartite.


Suite of pre-processing routines, heuristic solvers, and harnesses for comparing algorithms for Odd Cycle Transversal (graph bipartization).







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