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ThibaultDucray edited this page Nov 12, 2022 · 19 revisions

This is PatchOrganizer for Hotone Ampero (c) and Hotone Ampero One (c) guitar multieffects

patchorganizer105mac patchorganizer105win


Patch organizer helper utility for Hotone Ampero(c) multieffect presets files.

This is PatchOrganizer, a small tool that will help you organize your Ampero(c) presets files on your Mac or Windows computer.

What is it designed for?

The 99 user patches of your Hotone Ampero(c) can be saved as a preset file (.PRST) to your computer and manipulated with the Ampero Editor software. But there is one main feature missing in this software: moving and inserting patches.

That's where PatchOrganizer starts: move patches inside a 99 patches long preset file.


  1. Go to the Release section
  2. Download the application zip file
  3. From the Finder or Explorer, unzip (uncompress) it
  4. Right click on the application file
  5. Chose "Open" and ignore the warnings if any

How does it work?

This software comes with no warranty. You use it at your own risk.
What risks? corrupt your PRST files, or maybe corrupt your Ampero.
It didn't happen to me, but that doesn't mean anything.

Quick user guide:

  1. Create a PRST file from Ampero Editor, containing all 99 patches.
  2. Launch PatchOrganizer.
  3. Click "Open" and select your PRST file.
  4. Reorganize patches the way you want by click-drag-drop mouse manipulations (try Shift-click and Command+click to use multi-selection).
  5. If you want you can rename patches, export a patch to a single-patch PRST file, or replace a patch with one contained in a single-patch PRST file, thus managing your library of patches the way you want.
  6. When you're finished, click "Save as" and chose a filename.

See detailed manual here.

Why is it risky?

There is no specification of the Ampero PRST file format, so I did it with reverse engineering on a few files. Nothing really sure.
But today, it works.

Was it tested?

Yes, but only with Hotone Ampero (firmware v4.0, Editor v1.3.0 and v1.3.2) and Hotone Ampero One (firmware v1.2, Editor v1.3.0) preset files. Special thanks to Davide B. for the Ampero files, for the beta testing and for the suggestions of features.
Be sure to have your Ampero Editor updated with the latest version.

Is it free?

Yes, free and open source, under the GPL - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See and (Qt is used only for the Windows version).