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Commands /rpgitem

/rpgitem help Terms[String]

Shows commands and help for commands that contain the search terms [Terms]

/rpgitem [Item]

Prints item [Item]'s tool-tip to chat

/rpgitem Name[String] create

Create an item with the name [Name]. The [Name] is what you use to identify the item for later commands e.g: Give. [Name] is not the name of the item on the tool-tip, that is set with Display instead.

/rpgitem [Item] armour Armour[Integer(0-100)]

Sets the item [Item]'s armour to [Armour]

/rpgitem [Item] armour

Shows the item [Item]'s current armour

/rpgitem [Item] damage

Shows the item [Item]'s current damage

/rpgitem [Item] damage Min[Integer] Max[Integer]

Sets the item [Item]'s damage to do random damage between [Min] and [Max]

/rpgitem [Item] damage Damage[Integer]

Sets the item [Item]'s damage to [Damage]

/rpgitem [Item] description set LineNo[Integer] DescriptionLine[String]

Sets the line [LineNo] to [DescriptionLine] on the item [Item]

/rpgitem [Item] description add DescriptionLine[String]

Adds the line [DescriptionLine] to the item [Item]

/rpgitem [Item] description remove LineNo[Integer]

Removes the line [LineNo] on the item [Item]

/rpgitem [Item] display Display[String]

Sets the item [Item]'s display name to [Display]

/rpgitem [Item] display

Shows the item [Item]'s current display name

/rpgitem [Item] drop [EntityType] Chance[Double]

Sets the chance that [Item] will drop from [EntityType] to [Chance]%. 0% prevents it from dropping

/rpgitem [Item] drop [EntityType]

Gets the chance that [Item] will drop from [EntityType]. 0% means it doesn't drop

/rpgitem [Item] durability infinite

Sets the durability to infinite. This means the item should never break

/rpgitem [Item] durability togglebar

Toggles the display of the tooltip based durability bar

/rpgitem [Item] durability Durability[Integer]

Sets the durability for the item. The durability is the number of times the item can be used to attack, block damage(armour) or mine

/rpgitem [Item] give

Gives the item [Item] to the user of the command

/rpgitem [Item] give [Player] Count[Integer]

Gives [Count] of the item [Item] to the player [Player]

/rpgitem [Item] give [Player]

Gives the item [Item] to the player [Player]

/rpgitem [Item] hand Hand[String]

Sets the item [Item]'s hand to [Hand]

/rpgitem [Item] hand

Shows the item [Item]'s current hand

/rpgitem [Item] item [Material]

Sets the item [Item]'s item to [Material]

/rpgitem [Item] item [Material] hex HexColour[String]

Sets the item [Item]'s item to [Material] : [Data], where [Data] is a hex number

/rpgitem [Item] item ItemID[Integer]

Sets the item [Item]'s item to [ItemID]

/rpgitem [Item] item ItemID[Integer] Data[Integer]

Sets the item [Item]'s item to [ItemID] : [Data]

/rpgitem [Item] item [Material] Data[Integer]

Sets the item [Item]'s item to [Material] : [Data]

/rpgitem [Item] item

Shows the item [Item]'s current item

/rpgitem [Item] lore Lore[String]

Sets the item [Item]'s lore to [Lore]

/rpgitem [Item] lore

Shows the item [Item]'s current lore

/rpgitem [Item] power arrow Cooldown[Integer]

Adds the arrow power to [Item] with a cooldown of [Cooldown] ticks. The arrow power will fire an arrow on right click

/rpgitem [Item] power arrow

Adds the arrow power to [Item] with a default cooldown of 20 ticks (1 second). The arrow power will fire an arrow on right click

/rpgitem [Item] power command Cooldown[Integer] [left,right] Display[String] Command[String] Permission[String]

Adds the command power to [Item] with a cooldown of [Cooldown] ticks. The tooltip will display [Display]. The item will run [Command] on [left,right] click giving the permission [Permission] just for the use of the command. Note: If you want spaces in [Display], [Command] or [Permission] then surround the string with e.g:/say Hello`

/rpgitem [Item] power command Cooldown[Integer] [left,right] Display[String] Command[String]

Adds the command power to [Item] with a cooldown of [Cooldown] ticks. The tooltip will display [Display]. The item will run [Command] on [left,right] click. Note: If you want spaces in [Display] or [Command] then surround the string with e.g:/say Hello`

/rpgitem [Item] power command Cooldown[Integer] [left,right] Details[String]

Runs the command on [left/right] click. [Detials] is a | seperated list of [display Text] | [command] | [permission]. The tool-tip displays [display Text]. display Text and command must be separated a | symbol. If permission is provided the player will be given the permission just for the use of the item and then it will be removed

/rpgitem [Item] power consume

Adds the consume power to [Item]. The consume power will remove the item on right click.

/rpgitem [Item] power fireball

Adds the fireball power to [Item] with a default cooldown of 20 ticks (1 second). The fireball power will fire an fireball on right click

/rpgitem [Item] power fireball Cooldown[Integer]

Adds the fireball power to [Item] with a cooldown of [Cooldown] ticks. The fireball power will fire an fireball on right click

/rpgitem [Item] power flame Burntime[Integer]

Adds the flame power to [Item] with a burntime of [Burntime] ticks. The flame power will set the target on fire on hit

/rpgitem [Item] power flame

Adds the flame power to [Item] with a default burntime of 20 ticks (1 second). The flame power will set the target on fire on hit

/rpgitem [Item] power ice

Adds the ice power to [Item] with a default cooldown of 20 ticks (1 second). The ice power will fire an ice block on right click which will then create a box of ice on impact, the ice will slowly remove itself

/rpgitem [Item] power ice !![Integer]

Adds the ice power to [Item] with a cooldown of [Cooldown] ticks. The ice power will fire an ice block on right click which will then create a box of ice on impact, the ice will slowly remove itself

/rpgitem [Item] power knockup Chance[Integer] Power[Double]

Adds the knockup power to [Item] with a chance of 1/[Chance] and a power of [Power]. The knockup power will send the hit target flying

/rpgitem [Item] power knockup

Adds the knockup power to [Item] with a default chance of 1/20 and a power of 2. The knockup power will send the hit target flying

/rpgitem [Item] power lightning

Adds the lightning power to [Item] with a default chance of 1/20. The lightning power will strike the hit target with lightning

/rpgitem [Item] power lightning Chance[Integer]

Adds the lightning power to [Item] with a chance of 1/[Chance]. The lightning power will strike the hit target with lightning

/rpgitem [Item] power potionhit Chance[Integer] Duration[Integer] Amplifier[Integer] Effect[String]

Adds the potionhit power to [Item] with a chance of hitting 1/[Chance]. On hit it will apply [Effect] for [Duration] ticks at power [Amplifier]. Valid potion effects:speed, slow, fast_digging, slow_digging, increase_damage, heal, harm, jump, confusion, regeneration, damage_resistance, fire_resistance, water_breathing, invisibility, blindness, night_vision, hunger, weakness, poison, wither,

/rpgitem [Item] power potionself Cooldown[Integer] Duration[Integer] Amplifier[Integer] Effect[String]

Adds the potionself power to [Item] with a cooldown of [Cooldown]. On right click it will apply [Effect] for [Duration] ticks at power [Amplifier]. Valid potion effects:speed, slow, fast_digging, slow_digging, increase_damage, heal, harm, jump, confusion, regeneration, damage_resistance, fire_resistance, water_breathing, invisibility, blindness, night_vision, hunger, weakness, poison, wither,

/rpgitem [Item] power potiontick Amplifier[Integer] Effect[String]

Adds the potiontick power to [Item]. The potiontick power will give the welder of the [Item] [Effect] level [Amplifier] while held/worn

/rpgitem [Item] power rainbow Cooldown[Integer] Count[Integer]

Adds the rainbow power to [Item] with a cooldown of [Cooldown] ticks and a block count of [Count]. The rainbow power will fire blocks of coloured wool on right click, the wool will remove itself.

/rpgitem [Item] power rainbow

Adds the rainbow power to [Item] with a default cooldown of 20 ticks (1 second) and a block count of 5. The rainbow power will fire blocks of coloured wool on right click, the wool will remove itself.

/rpgitem [Item] power rumble Cooldown[Integer] Power[Integer] Distance[Integer]

Adds the runble power to [Item] with a cooldown of [Cooldown] ticks and a power of [Power], the wave will travel [Distance] blocks. The rumble power sends a shockwave through the ground and sends any hit entities flying

/rpgitem [Item] power skyhook [Material] Distance[Integer]

Adds the skyhook power to [Item]. The skyhook power will allow the user to hook on to [Material] up to [Distance] blocks away

/rpgitem [Item] power teleport Cooldown[Integer] Distance[Integer]

Adds the teleport power to [Item] with a cooldown of [Cooldown] ticks (1 second) and teleport distance of [Distance] blocks. The teleport will teleport you in the direction you're looking in

/rpgitem [Item] power teleport

Adds the teleport power to [Item] with a default cooldown of 20 ticks (1 second) and teleport distance of 5 blocks. The teleport will teleport you in the direction you're looking in

/rpgitem [Item] power tntcannon Cooldown[Integer]

Adds the tntcannon power to [Item] with a cooldown of [Cooldown] ticks. The tntcannon power will fire active tnt on right click.

/rpgitem [Item] power tntcannon

Adds the tntcannon power to [Item] with a default cooldown of 20 ticks (1 second). The tntcannon power will fire active tnt on right click.

/rpgitem [Item] quality [Quality]

Sets the item [Item]'s quality to [Quality].

/rpgitem [Item] quality

Shows the item [Item]'s current quality

/rpgitem [Item] recipe

Sets the [Item]'s recipe

/rpgitem [Item] removerecipe

Removes the [Item]'s recipe

/rpgitem [Item] remove

Remove the item [Item] from the system. This does not currently remove the item from players' inventories but all powers and damage will stop working on them.

/rpgitem [Item] removepower Power[String]

Removes power [Power] from item [Item]

/rpgitem [Item] type

Shows the item [Item]'s current type

/rpgitem [Item] type Type[String]

Sets the item [Item]'s type to [Type]

/rpgitem [Item] worldguard

Toggles worldguard override on the [Item]

/rpgitem list

Shows a list of all created items

/rpgitem option giveperms

Toggles give requiring permissions

/rpgitem option worldguard

Toggles worldguard support. Currently if enabled it prevents RPG Items from being used in non-pvp area

Generated at: 20 May 2013 20:23:33 GMT

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