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This is an instant messaging tool in React Native. The features include the following:

  • Online/offline user status
  • Delivery reports (like WhatsApp)
  • Media sharing
  • Rich text/Emoji’s


Demo on youtube Demo on youtube


$ npm install -g react-native-cli

How to set up ⬆️

Step 1: git clone this repo:

Step 2: cd to the cloned repo:

Step 3: npm install && react-native link

How to Run ▶️

for android

  • Run emulator
  • $ react-native run-android

for iOS

  • $ react-native run-ios

If the keyboard doesn't show up in iOS simulator, press ⌘ + K

If you want to run multiple iOS simulators to chat

Using MacOs Terminal, launch first simulator:

  • Step 1: $ cd /Applications/
  • Step 2: $ open -n
  • Step 3: $ cd <your react native project>
  • Step 4: $ react-native run-ios

Now, launch 2nd simulator:

  • Step 5: $ cd /Applications/
  • Step 6: $ open -n
  • Step 7: Click "Ok" when you get "Unable to boot device in current state"
  • Step 8: Change simulator to be different than first simulator (e.g. Hardware -> Device -> iPhone 6s)
  • Step 9: $ cd <your react-native project>
  • Step 10: $ react-native run-ios --simulator "iPhone 6s" (or whatever simulator you chose in step 8).