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A dynamic array for C, along with an iterator.

This is an implementation of the 'tape machine' described in the TTCA book. Hence the TM for 'tape machine'. Upon reaching an allocation limit, the array allocation doubles, hence the 2x in the name.

GCC extensions used

  1. 128 bit unsigned int
  2. typeof
  3. variable holds a &&label value
  4. declared labels ('local labels')
  5. #pragma push_macro/pop_macro
  6. statement expressions
  7. __builtin_clz
  8. nested functions


Data structures, name mangling, and push/pop macros are used to manage namespaces.

I am very thankful to have a unicode character as supported in the C90 spec to use to separate the namespace from the rest of the identifier:

conventional:  `TM2x::alloc_Tape_heap`
       using:  `T02x·alloc_Tape_heap`

Of course, the double colon is not available fo idnetifier names in C.

In the following 'S' is short for 'space' which in turn is short for 'namespace'. When there is more than one namespace I follow the S with a number.

   #pragma push_macro("S")
   #undef S0
   #define S TM2x

      S·x = 5

   #pragma pop("S")

Identifier case convention

ALL_CAPS - macros.

CamelCase - types and namespaces, except for built in types and types in other libraries.

lower_case - everything else.

Building the Library

make test should buid and run the tests. The output should be identical to the contents of the file test_results_expected.txt. (In the future the tests should probably be modified so only the passed failed results are needed.)

After the tests pass, make share installs the dynamic array into ../env/include and ../env/lib.

My projects are always embeded in a project directory that has an env directory for releasing module code. The modules are individual git projects. See my git 'project'.

After install, the usual drill, include the header files in your program, and compile against the library.


In the main of the program that is intended to use sequence libraries, #include all the ...args.h header files in a union called 'Args'. Immediately after that declare another union called Text and #include the ...text.h files there. In the test directory you can find some examples.


The library is a collection of segments of code that are called as 'sequences'.

Each convenyance has one entry point and potentially multiple exit points. The entry point is the name of the sequence, and the exit points are called continuations. A sequence does not have a return statement, which is why it is not called a function. A sequence is guaranteed to follow a continuation before reaching the closing brace.

One enters a convenyance by banching to it. We call such a branch a 'continuation'.

The header file Sequence.h provides some syntax hacks to give the programmer a feeling that C has direct support for sequences.

What is an Array

You are already familiar with arrays of course. This section just provides us with a common language for talking about them in some detail.

In mathematics, a sequence consists of a series of indexable elements.

 e_0, e_1, ... e_i, ... e_ntt

Where each index is a natural number. The natural number n+1 is said to be the 'length' of the sequence.

We would like to mimic this structure in our computer programs. Hence we introduce a data type called an 'array'. The elements form a sequence, so each element has a natural number index. n+1 is the length of the element sequence, so we also say that n+1 is the length of the array.

A computer processor initially reads data from system memory. System memory is an array of elements, where the elements are bytes, and the indexes are called 'addresses'.

Elements in an array are actually little arrays themselves. Elements are arrays of memory bytes. Hence, while each element has an index from the base of the array, each byte in the elements also has an address in memory.

The recursive nature of memory type leads to a bit of a confusing situation. For example, we have three lengths measures for an array of the type we declare in our program. One for its length in elements, another for its length in bytes. in the array can be indexes from 0 to n within the array, but those same bytes will have indexes ranging from 0 being the first byte in memory to n being the last byte in memory.

Address and index variable naming convention

A variable that holds an index value will consists of a series of words separated by underscores. The first word is the object we are talking about. The second word is the semantic concept for an element in that object, and the third is a number that identifies the index relative to the object. I then allow for a suffix. If the suffix is _pt, the value is relative to the start of memory rather than relative to the start of the array.

Here are two examples: array_n array_n_Element_pt

Here the variable array_n will hold a natural number that is the subscript of the last byte in the array. As the array may expand, this value may be modified. We call this value the 'extent' of the array, here measured in bytes. Generally the extent of an array measured in bytes, plus 1, will be the 'size' or the 'length' of the array.

In contrast, the variable array_n_Element_pt will hold the address of the element at index array_n_Element.

Consider another example, array_0 array_0_pt

We might expect that the value of a variable called array_0 would be zero. A variable called array_0_pt would be the address of the first byte of the array relative to the start of memory. This is also called: 'the array's location in memory', 'a pointer to the first byte in the array', 'a pointer to the first element in the array', and 'the array base'.

Since the object here is obviously 'array' we will drop that part.

To access the nth byte in the array, the last byte, we write:


And to access the ith element when that element is an 'int':

    ((int *)0_pt)[element_i]

Or even:

    *((int *)0_pt + element_i)

Allocation algorithm

We allocate in the smallest power of 2 sizes that the data set fits in.

Attempting to push on a full allocation will cause the allocation to double, then the push will occur.

Inversely, reducing the size of the array through pop will cause the allocation to contract when power of two boundaries are passed.

Array instantiation and use.

To use a dynamic array, we must first 'allocate' the header structure. There are generally three storage allocation classes for allocation.

static - allocation on directly in memory stack - allocation on a stack frame heap - allocation on the heap

The C language used to have storage class keywords of 'register', 'static', and 'auto', where auto class referred to stack allocation. Allocation classes have since been dropped from the language. If a variable is declared at global scope it will be static allocated. If a variable is declared in a function then it will be allocated on the stack. If a person really needs a register, one must resort to inline asm. Somewhat confusingly the 'static' storage class keyword has now been repurposed to mean that a declaration is only lexibly visible within file.

Arrays that are static (storage class) allocated are not thread safe. This is because thread safety is achieve because each thread has its own stack, but a statically allocated array is not on a stack.

After the header structure has been allocated we must 'construct' the array by allocating some space on the heap and setting the header structure to point to it. After construction we have an array 'instance', and we may write and read the array.

Generally it is undesirable to read data that has never been written. This makes the first write so special that we give it the name 'initialization'. It is common to eliminate the hazard of potentially reading uninitialized data by combining intialization with construction, though this is not as common with arrays as it is with other objects.

Actually all data is either 'copied' or 'clobbered'. The terms 'read' and 'write' refer to copies where the source, for read, or the destination, for write, can be referred to to with a pronoun without ambiguity. In our case the 'it' or 'this' pronoun is the TM2x type object involved in the copy, whereas the other end of the copy is just a plain old poitner to memory. When a copy moves data between two TM2x's we call the operation a 'copy'.


This is a doubling array written in C.







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