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A way to draw textures pixel by pixel with React.

Project written in TypeScript.

This README is for version 1.0.0. Breaking changes may happen.

Getting started

This package is not available on any package manager such as npm. Therefore, you need to copy-paste the whole code in lib folder.

How it works

Each grid is represented as an array of strings, each cell of the grid is one pixel and each pixel contains a value which is its hexadecimal color as a string :

const grid: Grid = [
    ["ff0000", null, null, null],
    [null, "ff0000", null, null],
    [null, null, "ff0000", null],
    [null, null, null, "ff0000"],

This grid is a transparent picture of 4x4 with a red diagonal. We use null for transparent pixels.

For transparent colors, add 2 hexadecimals digits after the color. For example, a red color with 50% of opacity will be:

import RGBToHex from "./lib/utils/RGBToHex";

const reddishColor: string = RGBToHex("rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)");
// reddishColor = "ff00007f"

// function RGBToHex = (rgb: string | number[]): string

There is a jsdoc for almost every function.

How to create a grid

Use the component PixelArtMaker to allow modifications on the grid by the user:

import PixelArtMaker from "./lib/PixelArtMaker";
import usePixelArt from "./lib/hooks/usePixelArt";
import useRegistry from "./lib/hooks/useRegistry";
import {useCallback} from "react";

export const myComponent = () => {
    // usePixelArt(width:number, height:number, pixelSize:number, initialColor?:string)
    // On this example, we'll generate a grid 16x16 where each "pixel" is a square of 25 pixels length (css side) entirely red.
    // By default, if no initial color is specified, the grid will be transparent
    const [pixelArt, setPixelArt, {paintPixel, applyGrid}] = usePixelArt(16, 16, 25, "00ff00");
    const registry = useRegistry(pixelArt.grid, applyGrid);
    const [doPickColor, setDoPickColor] = useState<boolean>(false);
    const [color, setColor] = useState<string>("ff0000");

    const toggleColorPicker = useCallback(() => {
        setDoPickColor((v) => !v);
    }, []);

    const onPixelClicked = useCallback((data: PixelData) => {
        // Create your own feature to pick the color from a pixel
        if (doPickColor) {
            if (data.hexColor) {
        paintPixel(data, color);
    }, [color, doPickColor, paintPixel, toggleColorPicker]);

    return <div>
        <PixelArtMaker model={pixelArt} onClick={onPixelClicked} registry={registry}/>
            <button type="button" onClick={toggleColorPicker}>
                Toggle pick color ({doPickColor ? "on" : "off"})

Here's a list of PixelArtMaker's props:

interface PixelArtProps {
  model: PixelArt;
  onClick: (data: PixelData) => void;
  roundedGrid?: boolean;
  className?: string;
  registry?: PixelArtRegistry;

From the registry associated to a pixel art (which is not mandatory), you can use 5 methods:

  • registerState(grid:Grid, actionDescription:string, index?:number):void
  • canUndo():boolean
  • canRedo():boolean
  • undo():void
  • redo():void
  • resetStatesOnCurrentOne():void

Each state of the registry needs a description from RegistryActions:

// default import from lib/utils/RegistryActions.ts
class RegistryActions {
    public static readonly drawnPixel = "drawn pixel";
    public static readonly fillGrid = "filled grid";
    public static readonly fillLine = "filled line";
    public static readonly fillColumn = "filled column";
    public static readonly reset = "reset grid";
    public static readonly init = "init grid";
    public static readonly multipleDrawnPixels = "multiple drawn pixels";
    public static readonly pngLoaded = "png was loaded";

To manipulate the grid, use the methods available via usePixelArt hook. Here is a list of the methods:

  • paintPixel: (pixelData: PixelData, newColor: string) => void
  • resetGrid: () => void
  • fillLine: (color: string, line: number) => void
  • fillColumn: (color: string, column: number) => void
  • fillGrid: (color: string) => void
  • applyGrid: (grid: Grid) => void
  • setDimensions: ( width: number | null, height: number | null ) => void

Readonly grid

Use the component GridView with the following props:

interface GridViewProps {
  model: PixelArt;
  roundedGrid?: boolean;
  className?: string;
  onLoad?: () => void;

Best features

The whole point behind this project was to create two methods. One to load a PNG and read every pixel in order to display them on a grid inside the DOM, another to create a PNG from that group of divs.

Here's the methods to do that:

// default import from lib/utils/loadPNG
function loadPNG(
    imageSrc:React.MutableRefObject<HTMLInputElement | null> | string,
    callback: (grid: Grid, width: number, height: number) => void
): void {
    // here the magic happens...
    // the loading of the image takes time so we must use a callback.

// default import from lib/utils/createPNG
function createPNG(
    startDownloadAutomatically:boolean = true,
    fileName:string = "pixelart"
): string {
    // here the magic happens...
    // it will return the data URL used for the download

NOTE: you should use loadPNG like this:

const fileInput = useRef<HTMLInputElement | null>(null);

// ...

  onChange={() => {
    loadPNG(fileInput, (grid: Grid, width: number, height: number) => {
      // In case the imported image does not match the width and height of the grid
      // we can change the dimensions of the grid with `setDimensions(width:number|null, height:number|null):void`  
      if (width !== pixelArt.width || height !== pixelArt.height) {
        setDimensions(width, height);
      // You must apply the new grid via setPixelArt() to ensure the changes will be applied on your whole component.
      setPixelArt((v) => ({...v, grid}));
      // if you `useRegistry`
      registry.registerState(grid, RegistryActions.pngLoaded);


I'm far from being the best react developer out there, so I'd highly appreciate some help to improve performance.


MIT License