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The Graphics Pipeline

A tech talk about modern graphics, 3D math, and WebGL

Why is this Relevant?

The modern graphics pipeline is a powerful tool that powers almost every modern device with a screen. The increase in computing power and the rise of accessibility to the GPU from both browsers and mobile platforms makes knowledge of the underlying graphics system important.

Mobile Frameworks

Mobile frameworks (iOS and Android) are built on top of graphics apis for performant hardware accelerated rendering. It's good to understand the low-level on which the frameworks we work on are implemented.


Unity is becoming a more common tool in the development of applications, in particular real-time and graphically intense apps.


These hot new technologies are by their nature modelling 3D space and utilizing the graphics pipeline and 3D mathematical principles to a high degree.

Mathematics of 3D Graphics

Math primer

Vector arithmetic

Addition, subtraction, multiplication, dot product, cross product

Matrix arithmetic

Addition Scalar multiplication Transposition

  • (A^t)A^t = A


  • AB != BA - non-commutative!
  • A(BC) = (AB)C = associative


  • (AB)^-1 = (B^1)x(A^-1)

Multiplication with vectors, transforming points

  • Av = v'
  • (BA)v = B(Av) = BAv

Matrix as a transform

  • Special type of matrix, orthonormal column vectors / basis vectors
  • All column vectors must be perpendicular to each other

Coordinate systems

  • Model / Object -> World -> Camera -> Screen
  • Handedness -thumb-X, index-Y, middle-Z
  • Row vs column major / column vector vs row vector / left-to-right vs right-to-left

Scene graph

A structure that represents transform hierarchies as a graph Optimized spatial queries, visibility checks, heirarchical transformations, node sorting Important for any non-trivial rendering of geometry

Camera Transform

Convert the world/global-space coordinates of the objects in the scene relative to the camera

Projection Transform

Normalized Device Coordinates Perspective & Orthographic projections


Represent a rotation in 3d with a 4d vector that has 3 components that are complex numbers Unity’s Transform object and why it’s awesome

Graphics Pipeline

The means by which an application utilizes the graphics device capabilities to display images in an optimized way. The entire point is to write to the device frame buffer for display.

  • Application -> Geometry -> Rasterization -> Display
  • Graphics pipeline = F(geometry, surface & object properties, camera & projection transforms) -> frame buffer image

Graphics APIs

Low level into the capabilities of a graphics pipeline - an SDK into the GPU WebGL, OpenGL, Vulkan, Metal, DirectX NOT a scene-graph, game engine, render loop, asset pipeline,etc

Representing Geometry

  • Vertex buffer
  • Index buffer
  • Winding order
  • Geometry type (Triangle list, strip, lines, etc)
  • Vertex Formats & Semantics

Representing Surface

Texture - an image that is projected onto geometry Material - common name for a combination of textures, colors, visual parameters, and shaders that define how colors are calculated per pixel. Lighting - how light interacts with the surface, shininess or dullness.


A ‘program’ that runs on the GPU for a pre-defined stage in the pipeline, such per vertex or per fragment. A shader is responsible for transforming and 'shading' the geometry as it is drawn to the framebuffer. It can take in various parameters ranging from textures to app-specified values, lights, and calculate vertex position and pixel color programmatically per vertex or pixel in a highly parallel fashion.

  • Types - Vertex, Pixel/Fragment, Geometry, (Compute, Tessellation)
  • Vertex shader = F(app vertex data) -> data for pixel shader, with positions transformed into projection space
  • Fragment/Pixel shader = F(vertex shader output) -> color to display

Vertex - a single point of a set of geometry, at a minimum a position, but can have additional attributes such as color, uv-coords, etc. Uniform - per-frame variable, such as object transform, view and projection transform, object color Attribute - per-vertex variable, such as position, color, uv-coordinates Varying - a value passed from vertex shader to the pixel shader, automatically being interpolated across the surface of the geometry

Pipeline Usage

Define frame buffer and depth buffer size and format Create Shaders Define geometry

  • Vertices - positions (tex-coords, colors)
  • Indices - index into the vertices to define triangles or other groups of primitives

Per frame:

  • Clear the framebuffer and depth buffer
  • Calculate a view and projection matrix
  • For each object in the scene*: -- Activate a shader -- Apply per-frame uniforms for the given object -- Apply the vertex attribute buffers -- Apply the index buffer -- Issue draw call *Per object is a naive approach but easier to understand - usually you sort on materials and geometry as an optimization to minimize the state changes of the graphics device

Pipeline in Action

  1. Application pushes geometry and issues draw calls with associated transforms
  2. Vertex pipeline takes the geometry and applies the vertex shader to all vertices rendered with that shader - the shader is mostly responsible for transforming all the vertex positions from model space to projection space. The vertex shader may also send additional per-vertex values.
  3. Tessellation and Geometry shaders.
  4. Primitive assembly, clipping, viewport transform, culling, rasterization.
  5. Pixel shader is run on the pixels the geometry takes up in projection space. Varying values from the vertex shader have been interpolated. Texture sampling, light, and view-dependent calculations occur here and a final color is output for the pixel to the framebuffer.
  6. Framebuffer operations do depth and stencil testing befure commiting pixels to the framebuffer. Final pixel blending based on render states such as alpha blending occurs here.
  7. The graphics driver may wait until the next vsync before switching the backbuffer, causing the frame to be updated.

Troubleshooting and Other Topics

Handedness - +z or -z Platform specific mappings - NDC between OpenGL vs. DirectX Transforms and current coordinate system Vertex winding order / back/front-face culling Depth culling / testing Vsync, GPU-CPU synchronization Advanced rendering

WebGL Demo



Materials for the tech talk on the graphics pipeline with an emphasis on WebGL.






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