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Decoubled Logging

Thorben Kuck edited this page Sep 19, 2018 · 7 revisions

The main idea

The main idea behind this 100000th iteration of the decoupled logging-mechanism is, that i did not want to:

  1. rely on an framework

  2. dont enforce the deveolper, to include any framework, they maybe don’t want to use.

Logging is decoupled at this framework, so that you can either use the given Instances or easyli create your own ones.

Logging provides serveral methods for logging, which are used to logg anthing inside NetCom2. It is orriented at Log4J. It has the levels:

  • trace

  • debug

  • info

  • warn

  • error

  • fatal

which are used as i just named them. Nearly everry little step is logged using trace, major parts with debug s.o.s.f.

The Logging interface is reduced to its needed methods, reducing the implementations to 9 methods to implement. Most likely, this will not be enough for your needs, therefor it is wise, to encapsulate your own logging framework into NetCom2.

Providing your own Logging

Let’s say, you wanted to use Log4J as the Logging-framework of you choice and also use it for NetCom2. You would write something like this:

class Log4JLogging implements Logging {

    private final Logger logger;

    public Log4JLogging(Logger logger) {
        this.logger = logger;

    public void trace(Object s) {

    public void debug(Object s) {


With that little class implemented, you have to Tell NetCom2 to use it. You can either:

Say every class, that allows it, individually to use you Log4JLogging class.

If you are dealing with an class, that implements the Loggable interface (like the ClientStart or the ServerStart) you can tell them to use your Logging-class by stating:

serverStart.setLogging(new Log4JLogging());

The advantage is, that you can change some critical classes to logg differently than other classes.

The disadvantage is, that you most likely will only be able to state this, if a (in)significant part has been logged.

Tell the collective of NetCom2 to use a different Logging-instance.

To change the behavior of all Classes inside NetCom2 (and maybe inside your code, if you use <code>Logging.unified()</code>) to use your Logging-instance by stating:

NetComLogging.setLogging(new Log4JLogging());

The advantage is, that you can change the Logging, before the first lines are logged.

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