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Travis CI for Continuous Integration and Security

Thuy edited this page Mar 21, 2019 · 5 revisions

Coordinating this setup with AWS, TravisCI and GitHub allows me to automate deployment with just a simple git push to master.

What I learned about Travis:

  • language should be set to minimal, if it's only HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Otherwise, defaults to Ruby and tries to look for Ruby gems, which results in an error.
  • set install to true if there are no dependencies
  • set script to true if there are no tests being run
  • Refer to environment variables that you setup in your Repository Settings in Travis: $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
  • run this code in terminal to check on validity of file before pushing up: travis lint .travis.yml
  • ask Travis CI support as they really do want to help you and greatly reduce your banging head against the wall routine

The following setup was for a static website with no tests and no dependencies, for now.

language: minimal

  provider: s3
  access_key_id: $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
  secret_access_key: $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  acl: public_read
    repo: ThuyNT13/thuy_life

install: true

script: true

I've tried to be very careful about pushing up API keys to GitHub and it's still a learning process in trying to find the best solution for hiding secret keys and still have your code work. So in the attempt to protect my keys, I used Environment Variables to store and access the keys. In this case, it's stored securely (I hope) in my Repository Settings in Travis CI so that I can avoid this here and this. Apparently, there are some major corporations that still don't know better.

If you're interested in how crawling bots work, here's a GitHub repo that can be used to sniff out secret keys.

Update: there is a security vulnerability with Environment Variables being kept in Travis CI Repository Setting, Travis CI doesn't keep your environment variable secure, with GitHub Issue here. Doesn't appear to affect me as I won't be transferring over my account to anybody, but still good to know the vulnerability and will keep an eye out to see if there are any updates on further exploits.
