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/ funnel Public archive

Filters and manages all backend requests. It includes routing, cors and authentication.


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License: GPL v3 CircleCI Go Report Card codecov GitHub Release pre-commit Dependabot

Filters and manages all backend requests. It includes routing, cors and authentication.


Funnel is available as binary, via go get or docker.

A detailed guide and templates for setting up infrastructure will follow and be linked here, for now these instructions serve as an absolute basic guide.

Docker (recommended)

docker run --rm -e CONFIG_KEY=value [...]

Using go

go get
go install

# Execute or setup systemd with cmd

Using binary

Download the desired release from the releases page.


Configuration is done entirely via environment variables.

Variable Default Description
FUNNEL_OAUTH2_ISSUER_URL N/A Base url of the identity provider, will be used to search for endpoint /.well-known/openid-configuration
FUNNEL_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID N/A ClientId to check for
FUNNEL_OAUTH2_VERIFY_ISSUER true Should the issuer of JWTs should be verified (true) or not (false)
FUNNEL_OAUTH2_USERNAME_CLAIM email Claim in JWTs that will be used to uniquely identify the user
FUNNEL_OAUTH2_SCOPES openid,profile,email Scopes to request when authorizing the user in the webapp
FUNNEL_PORT 3000 Port funnel will be listening on
FUNNEL_CORS_ORIGINS * Origins to allow in Access-Control-Allow-Origins header, this is typically the url of the webapp.
FUNNEL_COUCHDB_SCHEME http Scheme to use for couchdb communication in most cases http or https.
FUNNEL_COUCHDB_HOST IP or hostname where the couchdb is running
FUNNEL_COUCHDB_ADMIN_USER admin User to use for administrative actions with proxy authentication

More information about setting up OAuth2 etc. will be added later in a different location and linked here.


This project is written in go, uses make as a simple build tool and pack for creating oci compliant images, that can be executed with docker/podman.

Required tools


To set up the project locally:

  1. Activate pre-commit hooks: pre-commit install && pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg
  2. Install go dependencies: go mod tidy
  3. Verify your setup with running tests: make test
  4. [OPTIONAL]: Setup couchdb locally with docker-compose in .docker


For a list of available build and test goals run make help or check the Makefile manually.

Commit Message Convention

This repository follows Conventional Commits


<type>(optional scope): <description> Example: feat(pre-event): Add speakers section

1. Type

Available types are:

  • feat → Changes about addition or removal of a feature. Ex: feat: Add table on landing page , feat: Remove table from landing page
  • fix → Bug fixing, followed by the bug. Ex: fix: Illustration overflows in mobile view
  • docs → Update documentation (
  • style → Updating style, and not changing any logic in the code (reorder imports, fix whitespace, remove comments)
  • chore → Installing new dependencies, or bumping deps
  • refactor → Changes in code, same output, but different approach
  • ci → Update github workflows, husky
  • test → Update testing suite, cypress files
  • revert → when reverting commits
  • perf → Fixing something regarding performance (deriving state, using memo, callback)
  • vercel → Blank commit to trigger vercel deployment. Ex: vercel: Trigger deployment

2. Optional Scope

Labels per page Ex: feat(pre-event): Add date label

If there is no scope needed, you don't need to write it

3. Description

Description must fully explain what is being done.

Add BREAKING CHANGE in the description if there is a significant change.

If there are multiple changes, then commit one by one

  • After colon, there are a single space Ex: feat: Add something
  • When using fix type, state the issue Ex: fix: File size limiter not working
  • Use imperative, dan present tense: "change" not "changed" or "changes"
  • Use capitals in front of the sentence
  • Don't add full stop (.) at the end of the sentence


ThymeSave has adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to adhere to. Please read the full text so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated.

Read our contributing guide to learn about how to propose bugfixes and improvements and contribute to ThymeSave!