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xs Tutorial

xs is an extensible shell. Like other shells with which you're no doubt familiar, xs can be used to run programs and scripts. But xs is extensible. Parts of xs are written in xs. You can take advantage of this by writing replacements for those parts to augment or modify the behavior of xs. That's the "extensible" part.

Before we delve into xs's extensibility, though, we need to take a look at basic operations. Much of xs will seem familiar, but there are enough differences from the shell you usually use to warrant a quick tour.

Perhaps the biggest difference between xs and traditional shells is that xs has different rules for how data gets passed around in scripts that you write. Traditional shells provide multiple ways to quote and evaluate data; xs is much simpler. While you might think that it's better to have more choices, you've probably questioned that wisdom when trying to figure out how to deal with multiple levels of quoting and evaluation.

In xs, as in other shells, a word is formed from a sequence of constituent characters. Unlike other shells, xs leaves many punctuation characters available as word constituents. Therefore, these are all valid words in xs:


The final example is a word composed of all the non-special punctuation. I don't know why you'd want to, but you could use that as a variable name:

; *+,-./:=?@[]_~" = 'I don''t even know...'
; echo $(*+,-./:=?@[]_~")

There are a few things to note in the preceding example:

* The `xs` prompt is `;`. The man page explains this. Don't worry:
  you can change the prompt.
* Words are quoted using `'`, which is escaped by doubling it.
  That's everything you need to know about `xs` quoting. Take a
  moment, if you will, to compare that to what you know about
  quoting in other shells.
* The assignment operator `=` is always surrounded by spaces.
  Without the spaces, `=` becomes a word constituent. Indeed, this
  is the case in the `*+,-./:=?@[]_~"` word.
* `"` is also a word constituent. This might seem odd at first, so
  I'll remind you: words in `xs` are quoted *only* using `'`.
* As in other shells, you use `$` to dereference a variable. This
  example also needs to enclose the variable name in `(` and `)`.
  We could also have written `echo $'*+,-./:=?@[]_~?'`. See `xs(1)`
  for more information on constructing variable names.

In addition to quoting with ', you can use \ to escape certain characters. Here again, xs's treatment differs somewhat from the behavior you've come to expect from other shells. In xs, \ is used to escape the "special" characters:

# $ & ´ ( ) ; < > \ ^ ` { | } <space> <tab>

xs also recognizes escapes for a subset of characters that don't have a printable glyph, i.e.:

* \a <alert>
* \b <backspace>
* \e <escape>
* \f <form-feed>
* \n <newline>
* \r <carriage return>
* \t <tab>

as well as allowing you to spell out single-byte characters by their code points in hexadecimal and octal notation:

* \xNN where N is a hex digit
* \MNN where M is {0..3} and N is an octal digit

You can also write Unicode characters (most of which are represented by multiple bytes) using their hexadecimal code points:

* \u'N...' where N... is one to six hex digits

xs does not permit creation of a NUL character using escapes. The characters \x00, \000 and \u'0' are all invalid.

It's an error in xs to use \ except as noted above. In the shell you usually use, applying \ to escape some other character simply yields the escaped character. In xs, this happens:

; echo \j
columns 0-0 bad backslash escape

Do you remember the rule for quoting with '? Everything inside '...' is quoted; escapes don't get expanded. Thus:

; echo 'label:\tThis is unusual.'
label:\tThis is unusual.

In xs you'd write:

; echo label:\t'This is unusual.'
label:  This is unusual.


; echo label:\tThis\ is\ unusual.
label:  This is unusual.

In most shells, the underlying data type is a string and all of the shell's machinery is designed around doing useful manipulations of this data. You probably understand well the headaches this can cause when a word contains whitespace.

In xs the underlying data type is a list. Every word in a list retains its identity as a word, regardless of whether the word contains whitespace.

For example, this xs code assigns a four-element list to a:

; a = foo a\ word\ with\ spaces 'another word' bar

The words in the list are

* foo
* 'a word with spaces'
* 'another word'
* bar

You can pass the variable a to a function; it will remain a four-element list despite the blanks that are part of the second and third words. There's no need for special quoting and unquoting conventions as in other shells.

You can select elements of a list using subscript notation. For example:

; echo $a(3)
another word

Subscripts start at one. It's an error to specify a subscript less than 1.

You may specify multiple indices:

; echo $a(1 4)
foo bar

In this example, the result is a two-element list.

You can use ... in a subscript list to specify a range. For example:

; l = a b c d e f g h i j
; echo $l(4 ... 6)
d e f

Either end of the range may be open:

; echo $l(... 3)
a b c
; echo $l(7 ...)
g h i j

Reversing the indices of a range yields the specified elements in reverse order:

; echo $l(6 ... 4)
f e d

Specifying an index greater than the number of list elements yields the empty list:

; echo $l(11)

While we're on the subject, let's consider lists and empty lists. Lists in xs are always one-dimensional; a list can't contain another list. This makes an empty list "disappear" when it's contained within a list. Returning to our subscript examples:

; m = $l(1 11 2 11 11 11)
; echo $m
a b
; echo $#m

Even though we specified six indices, four of these indexed past the end of $l and yielded empty lists.

If you need an empty placeholder in a list, use an empty word:

; q = a '' b '' '' c
; echo $q
a  b   c
; echo $#q

Again, contrast the above with:

; r = a () b () () c
; echo $r
a b c
; echo $#r

Subscripts may not be used on the left-hand side of an assignment:

; l(3) = 99
columns 2-2 syntax error, unexpected SUB, expecting NL or ENDFILE

Here are two more things you can do with lists:

; echo $#l
; echo $^l
a b c d e f g h i j

$#&lt;name&gt; returns the number of items in a list. $^<name> returns a one-element list composed of all the items in the original list, separated with spaces. Let's make that a bit more clear:

; m = $^l
; echo $m
a b c d e f g h i j
; echo $#m

xs splits text into words delimited by a field separator; any character not matching a field separator is part of a word; a character matching a field separator ends the word and begins a new word with the next non-separator character. In xs the field separators are determined by the value of $ifs, which normally contains <space>, <tab> and <newline> (or, in xs: \ \t\n).

Now that we've introduced $ifs, we can turn our attention to the backquote (`) operator. As in other shells, backquote captures the output of a command or function. The syntax is slightly different than what you've seen elsewhere:

; file_list = `ls

captures a list of file names in the current directory. You'll note that there's no closing backquote as in other shells; you're probably wondering how to capture the output of a command that has more than one word. In xs we use a "program fragment":

; file_list = `{ls a*}

A program fragment is simply a group of commands wrapped in braces. A program fragment may appear in an xs program anywhere you can use a word. Thus the above example captures a list of all files beginning with the letter "a".

Of course, because the default $ifs includes a space, any filename containing spaces will be split into multiple words. That's normally not what you'd like. As in other shells, the solution is to temporarily replace the value of $ifs with just a newline. This would work:

; save_ifs = $ifs
; ifs = \n
; file_list = `ls
; ifs = $save_ifs

However, this can be simplified to:

; file_list = `` \n ls

Think of (``) as "backquote with temporary $ifs."

xs captures the status of a backquote command in the $bqstatus variable. If the command is a pipeline, $bqstatus contains a return code for each command in the pipeline.

True values in xs are 0, () and ''. Everything else is treated as false.

A list evaluates true in xs only if all of the elements are true:

; if {result 0 () ''} {echo yes} else {echo no}
; if {result 0 1 0} {echo yes} else {echo no}

When xs evaluates a list, it tries to take the first word as a command. In the previous example, we used result as the command; this simply returns its arguments.

At times it may be desirable to construct and execute a program fragment. One such use might be to construct a Unicode character from a code point computed at run time:

; echo `{{ |cp| eval echo '\u'''$cp''''} 01dd}

Looking at the above example from the inside out, we're constructing a word like \u'N...'. This is how xs names a Unicode code point. The value of $cp is lambda-bound; that's the |cp| notation in the inner program fragment. eval expects a string, but \u'N...' is a word. echo does what it always does: it prints a string. eval parses and evaluates the given text, producing the ǝ as a word. Now look at the two program fragments. The inner fragment, the lambda expression, is in the command position; 01dd is its argument, which gets bound to cp in the lambda list. The backquote says "run this command." Finally, the leftmost echo prints the ǝ character.

A statement in xs is simply a command followed by the command's arguments. A statement is terminated by any of:

* a newline
* a semicolon
* the closing brace of a program fragment
* a "special" character (see above)

Note that it's the most restrictive syntactic feature that determines the end of a statement. Consider this code:

{ foo a b c; bar x y
  qux 17 39 }

The foo statement ends at ;, the bar statement ends at the newline and the qux statement ends at }.

The following are not equivalent:

{ bagley parsimony fletch
  grackle }


{ bagley parsimony fletch grackle }

The former is two separate statements; the latter only one. We can, however, rewrite the first to be equivalent to the second by using line continuation:

{ bagley parsimony fletch \
  grackle }

The backslash-newline sequence reads as a blank space.

Parentheses may be used to bound a list. A list so bounded may span newlines. The following assignments are all equivalent:

l = a b c d e f
l = a b c \
    d e f
l = (a b c
     d e f)

Remember, too, that xs lists are flat (that is: alway a list; never a tree) and that empty lists "disappear" as a component of a list. The following are equivalent:

m = (a b (c d (e) () f))
m = a b c d e f
m = ((((a b c d e f))))

Also, a list is not a program fragment, nor vice versa. Consider:

; (echo 1
   echo 2)
1 echo 2
; {echo 1
   echo 2}

The above example also illustrates how xs's input reader handles a continuation line. In both cases we typed an unfinished statement on the first line; xs responded by printing its continuation prompt, which is by default empty.

We've seen that a command may be a program (e.g. ls) or a lambda. A lambda is just an unnamed xs function. We can also name xs functions. The simplest case is to name a variable prefixed by fn-:

fn-ll = ls -l

You can also use the fn keyword to define a named xs function. This is exactly equivalent to the previous example:

fn ll {ls -l}

A program not in a directory on $PATH may be used as a command by naming an absolute or relative path to the program.

In the case of a relative path to the program, xs differs from many other shells by requiring that the path begins with a . (dot). This is because the word that names an xs function may legitimately contain a path-separator character.

xs has all of the usual control-flow constructs, plus a few that you don't usually see in shells.

The simplest control flow is a sequence. xs evaluates one statement after another. Statements may be separated by a newline or a ;.

Then there's conditional sequencing, provided by the familiar && and || operators. && evaluates the statement to its right only if the statement to its left has a true return code. || evaluates the statement to its right only if the statement to its left has a false return code.

The ! operator negates the return code of the statement to its right. As in most programming languages, ! has higher precedence than the other boolean operators.

Like other shells, xs has wilcard matching, more commonly referred to as "globbing". * and ? match any sequence of characters (including an empty sequence) or any individual character, respectively, in a filename. * and ? do not match . at the beginning of a filename, nor do they match the / path separator.

Characters bracketed by [ and ] form a class that matches any one character between the brackets. A negative class, i.e. a class that matches any character not listed, is introduced by a ~ (not ^ as in other shells) immediately following the open bracket.

Remember that there are no special characters within '...' in xs.

For the case where you'd like to match something other other than a filename, xs provides a match operator. The syntax of the match operator is:

~ <subject> <pattern>...

where <subject> is typically a variable, a backquote expression or other statement that produces a string value. The <subject> is followed by one or more patterns. xs does not match patterns against filenames in this case; there's no need to (nor should you) quote the <pattern>s. (However, a literal wilcard in the <subject> is expanded as described in the previous paragraphs.)

You can specify the empty list as a pattern. But remember how xs collapses empty lists within a list: you can't match either a pattern or an empty list. This expression, for example, matches only f?b:

~ $v f?b ()

The pattern match operator returns true if <subject> matches any of the <pattern>s. In the case where <subject> is a list, we obtain a true result if any of the <subject>s match any of the <pattern>s. All in all, ~ is a pretty powerful tool. It's also fast. In particular, think of ~ rather than a relational operator when you need to match a specific numeric or string value.

There's also ~~, the pattern extraction operator, used like this:

~~ <subject> <pattern>...

The <subject> is matched against <pattern>s; only the portions of <subject> that match wilcards in <pattern>s are returned as the value of ~~. When <subject> is a list, the result is the concatentation of all <pattern> matches for the first list item, then the second, and so on.

Globbing is handy, but it can't handle the cases where you'd like to match specific substrings in file and directory names. This is where xs lists come in handy when combined with the concatenation operator, ^.

This command:

ls (foo bar baz qux)^*.abc

lists all files having names matching foo*.abc, bar*.abc, baz*.abc and qux*.abc.

Of course, you can combine list concatenation with other forms of globbing, such as:

vi *^(mem wan)^.[ch]

You can even concatenate multiple lists using ^; xs will generate the cross product of the lists. This:

mv (base config alt)^-^(session client wrapper)^.^(lisp fasl) archive/

moves all of the following files from the current directory to the archive/ subdirectory:


Of course, if all you need is to join two lists into a longer list, without the cross-product operation, simply adjoin the lists:

; l = hello world
; m = nice clouds
; n = $l $m
; echo $n
hello world nice clouds
; echo $l^$m

Contrast that with:

; echo $l^$m
hellonice helloclouds worldnice worldclouds

In addition to the boolean control-flow operators we've already encountered, xs provides a number of familiar constructs. Starting with the conditionals, we have:

if <test> <consequent> [else <alternative>]
switch <value> <case-and-action>... [<default-action>]

Unlike many other languages, xs ends a statement at a newline. This means that these statements must either be written on one line, or extended to subsequent lines using a backslash continuation. You may also satisfy xs's all-one-line requirement by using a program fragment to span lines, such as:

if {~ $TERM linux} {
    echo 'I''m in the console.'
} else {
    echo 'Maybe I''m on a pty...'

For the switch statement, usual practice is to enclose all of the case and actions and the default action within a list, like this:

switch $x (
    1 {echo one}
    2 {echo two}
    {echo many})

xs provides these iteration constructs:

for <var-and-list>... <command>
until <test> <body>
while <test> <body>

In the simplest case, the for loop looks quite familiar:

for i `{seq 5} {printf 'i is %d'\n $i}

But you can provide multiple iteration variables:

for i `{seq 5}; j (a b c) {printf '%d is %s'\n $i $j}

The for loop continues to iterate until the longest list has been exhausted, substituting an empty list value for each list that has run out of elements.

The while and until loops complement each other: while executes the body until the test is true; until runs the body while the test is false.

The next couple of control constructs have to do with altering the interpreter's behavior.

eval <list>
result <arg>...

eval turn the given list into a string, separating the words with blanks, and then feeds that string to the interpreter. The interpreter processes the string as xs statements.

result is an identity function; it returns whatever it's given. If this seems useless, consider the following. Let's say your program sets a variable that you want to use elsewhere to condition the execution of a brief statement. Your first thought may be to write this:

if $cond do_something

The above doesn't work because if expects a statement, not a variable, for its condition. We use result to return the value of $cond in this corrected code:

if {result $cond} do_something

You might also try to write the expression-oriented form like this:

$cond && do_something

The above won't work. Recall that xs tries to evaluate the first word of a statement as a command or a function, of which a boolean value is neither. The solution is to use the built-in function result:

result $cond && do_something

While on the subject of booleans, note that xs provides functions that evaluate to boolean values:


The next group of xs functions deals with process manipulation. These have the same meaning as in other shells.

exec <command>
fork <command>
wait [<pid>]

The variable $apid is the PID of the process most recently forked, while $apids is a list of processes for which xs has not yet waited. Please consult xs(1) for lower-level functions that manipulate processes.

The exit command causes xs to terminate and return a specific status to its caller. If no status is given, xs returns zero. This is unlike some other shells that use the status of the last-executed command.

exit [<status>]

Most shells provide a mechanism to execute a command upon receipt of a signal. xs does as well; additionally allowing for different handlers to be present at different places in the call stack.

signals-case <body> <handlers-alist>

The signals-case command executes its body with signal handlers bound according to a list of <signal-name> <fragment> pairs. The <signal-name> is from signals.h, but spelled using all lowercase letters. The <fragment> executes when its matching signal arrives during execution of signals-case.

An xs script can use the raise command to raise one of its own signals-case handlers.

raise <signal>

The <signal> argument is either a Linux signal name as defined above or another name appearing in the <handlers-alist> of an active signals-case command.

In addition to the signal handlers, xs provides an exception framework reminiscent of higher-level languages.

catch <catcher> <body>
throw <exception> <arg>...

The catch function establishes a catcher for the code in its body. If the body signals an exception, or if a signal is received, the catcher receives the exception as an argument. You'd use a lambda to bind the exception for use by the catcher:

catch {|e v| printf 'exception was %s %s'\n $e $v} {exit 99}

Yes, exit is an exception. Here's a list of all the built-in exceptions:

error <source> <message>
exit <status>
signal <name>

(Note: catch does not handle the signal exception, but the primitive $&catch does. Take a look at the definitions of catch and signals-case.)

You can throw any of these exceptions. You can also define your own:

catch {|e v| printf 'caught %s %s'\n} {throw foo 'my exception'}

If you need to, you can throw an exception from within the catcher; the next handler up the chain (i.e. an active catch established earlier) will receive the newly-thrown exception.


Within a catcher, the retry exception is treated specially: it causes the body to be run again. This can be useful for a structured retry of a failed operation. Beware, though: if the body has not cleared the original condition that caused the original exception, throwing retry from the catcher will cause an uninterruptible loop.

Since we've already mentioned lambdas a few times, let's quickly review the finer points.

{|<lambda-list>| <body>}

The is just a list of names that are bound to arguments to the lambda. For example:

{|a b c| echo $a $b $c} 1 2 3

prints 1 2 3. If there are more names than arguments, the additional names are bound to (). If there are more arguments than names, the final name is bound to all of the remaining arguments.

There are a few more control-flow constructs to cover.

escape <lambda>
forever <command>
unwind-protect <body> <cleanup>

Non-local exits may be defined by escape. This allows your program to exit from multiple levels of lexically nested statements. Here's an example:

fn count {|n|
  {escape { |fn-return|
    i = 0
    while true {
      i = `($i+1)
      echo $i
      if {~ $i 5} {return}

Note that xs doesn't have a built-in return function like other shells. The escape mechanism gives you more control at the expense of slightly more verbose code. Also, the name is not important: you could replace return with any other unused name.

forever is a loop from which exceptions and signals cannot escape. This finds use in the read-eval-print loop of an interactive xs shell.

unwind-protect assures that cleanup code runs regardless of the success or failure of code in the body.

The map and omap functions apply a function or command to each element of a list.

map <action> <list>
omap <action> <list>

map returns a list of the action's results, while omap returns a list of the action's outputs.

Controlling the visibility of names can be useful in a large shell program. When you use a variable in one part of the program, you'd like some assurance that you won't clobber its value in another unrelated piece of code. Other shells may provide a local keyword to use within function declarations. xs lets you declare local names anywhere.

let (<binding>...) <body>

A binding is an assignment, except that any name so bound is visible only within the body. Bindings are separated by newline or ;. The assignment may be elided; this is equivalent to writing <name> =, which binds the name to (). All bindings are done at the same time; you can't have a later binding depend upon an earlier binding in the same let.

Other shells usually collect all manner of tests under one builtin that handles file accessibility and relational operators under a single function. xs separates these tests. We've already encountered the match operator, ~. The built-in function access tests given filesystem paths against various criteria:

access [-n <name>] [-1|-e] [-r|-w|-x] [-f|-d|-c|-b|-l|-s|-p] <path>...

The rwx flags test accessibility. The fdcblsp flags test the file's type. The accessibility flags may be combined. access uses only the rightmost type flag.

Normally, access returns a list of boolean results, one for each <path>. Rather than return a canonical false value where appropriate, xs returns the text of the error code that was obtained by trying to access <path> according to the given criteria. That text is still logically false, but it provides additional information that you may choose to use.

When we provide the -1 flag, access stops at the first <path> that meets the criteria and returns not a boolean, but the path itself. If no <path> meets the criteria, access returns (). When -e is used together with -1, access signals an error if no <path> meets the given criteria.

With the -n <name> option, the <path>s are treated as a list of directories and <name> is taken as the name of a file to be found in those directories. Otherwise, all other behaviors are the same with the -n option. In other words, access -n <name> <criteria> <path>... finds <name>d file(s) in <path>s that meet the specified criteria. The -1 and -e options may also be given, with their usual effects.

Finally, xs has the usual relational operators. These are named :lt, :le, :gt, :ge, :eq and :ne in order to avoid confusion with other xs usage of the usual tokens.

Relational comparisons coerce both values to floats if either is a float, and both values to strings if either is not numeric. String comparisons are performed using the current locale's collating order.

The relational operators expect a pair of singleton values. The result of using list arguments is undefined, except that () may be compared using :eq or :ne (although the ~ operator is preferred in this case).

xs executes commands in one or two startup files, depending upon how xs is invoked.

As a startup shell (i.e. as started by the OS as a result of just having logged in) or when invoked with the -l flag, xs is a login shell. When invoked as a login shell, xs reads ~/.xsrc.

As an interactive shell, xs reads ~/.xsin. xs is interactive as a login shell, when invoked from the command line (i.e. with a terminal attached to standard input) and when invoked with the -i flag.

If xs reads both ~/.xsrc and ~/.xsin, it always does so in that order.

This concludes our brief introduction to the xs shell. You'll find much more information in xs(1) and in various files installed to xs's documentation directory.

If you're interested in extending or modifying xs's behavior, take a look at xs(1)'s explanation of hooks, primitives and syntactic rewrites. The initial.xs file (in the source repository) defines a significant portion of xs using xs code and contains good examples of some of the more complex xs features.

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