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Version 0.1.5-ALPHA

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@ya-enot ya-enot released this 03 Jun 19:10
· 26 commits to filatov-dev since this release

Approaching to the main goal, TiesDB version 0.1.5 is getting ready to introduce data consistency reconstitution technique also known as Healing. In mesh-like communication structures data integrity is complicated and should be maintained heavily by its participants. Healing mechanism is aimed to sustain data consistency throughout the data network. This version is a first step to transparrent and flawless data recovery in TiesDB.


  • Preparation for Healing implementation
  • Coordinator connection stability emproved
  • Minor fixes and enhancements

Run instructions

Before running a TiesDB node you should install go-ethereum locally following the instructions from After installation succeeded you could start geth for rinkeby network using the following command:

geth --rinkeby --datadir .rinkeby --cache 512 --rpc --rpcaddr --syncmode "light"

After geth is successfully starting you should wait for full synchronisation with selected network, to be able to access newly created tables.
For running a TiesDB node instance please install it by downloading and unpacking the binary distribution or building it from source. Then run the following command in TiesDB installation directory:


Build instructions

For building a TiesDB node from sources you should preinstall several tools:

After installing prerequisites run the following commands in sources directory:

For building a custom version of cassandra (required for TiesDB node):

cd node/node-elassandra/elassandra/core/cassandra
ant clean mvn-install

For building TiesDB node:

mvn package -Pnode -Pnode-elassandra

On successful build, you could find the assembled binary package in node/node-elassandra/target directory.