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File metadata and controls

110 lines (81 loc) · 2.83 KB

We're concentrating on Kuha2 nowdays, see

Kuha OAI-PMH Server

Kuha is a lightweight OAI-PMH Data Provider implementation. It is written in Python with The Pyramid Web Framework.


  • All six OAI-PMH verbs
  • Support for many optional features, including
    • Deleted records
    • Resumption tokens
    • Set hierarchies
  • DDI Codebook to Dublin Core crosswalk


Set up a virtual environment (recommended).

$ virtualenv env
$ . env/bin/activate

Install the package and dependencies.

$ python install

Make a copy of the example configuration file and customize it. The available settings are documented in the example file.

$ cp example.ini my_config.ini
$ vim my_config.ini

Kuha comes with a simple module for converting DDI Codebook files to unqualified Dublin Core. You can configure Kuha to use this module by settings the metadata_provider_class option to kuha.importer.ddi_file_provider:DdiFileProvider. The module needs two arguments: a domain name for the OAI identifier and a path of the directory to scan. Set these in the metadata_provider_args setting.


# my_config.ini

metadata_provider_class =

metadata_provider_args =

# ...

See Extending for help on writing your own metadata provider.


Run the metadata import.

$ kuha_import my_config.ini

Start the OAI-PMH serverk

$ pserve my_config.ini

With the example configuration, you can get the identify page at


For most applications, a custom metadata provider is needed. Metadata provider classes should implement an interface similar to kuha.importer.skeleton_provider:SkeletonProvider and kuha.importer.ddi_file_provider:DdiFileProvider. See comments in those files for details.

To make Kuha use your custom metadata provider, set the metadata_provider_class setting to the Python name of the class (e.g. name.of.the.module:NameOfTheClass). The value of the metadata_provider_args setting is split at whitespace and the resulting parts are passed to the constructor of the class.