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laspalmas is a chat bot built on the Hubot framework. It was initially generated by generator-hubot, and configured to be deployed on Heroku to get you up and running as quick as possible.

This README is intended to help get you started. Definitely update and improve to talk about your own instance, how to use and deploy, what functionality is available, etc!

Running laspalmas Locally

You can test your hubot by running the following, however some plugins will not behave as expected unless the environment variables they rely upon have been set.

You can start laspalmas locally by running:

% bin/hubot

You'll see some start up output and a prompt:

[Sat Feb 28 2015 12:38:27 GMT+0000 (GMT)] INFO Using default redis on localhost:6379

Then you can interact with laspalmas by typing laspalmas help.

laspalmas photo 

laspalmas help - Displays all of the help commands that laspalmas knows about. Including the default Hubot commands


The following environment variables should be set:


Access token for Dropbox folder


Access token for Flowdock bot's account


Access token for Dark Sky (formerly API

Installing Xcode and its command line tools is a prerequisite for node-gyp to function. Please see here for more details.

Heroku and local environment

If you are running bot in Heroku, make sure environment variables are set as described above. Then run:

 % heroku run bin/hubot

to start bot with Shell adapter.

Joining channels

You can use your bot's user accound to join any channels you wish the bot to listen to.

Note! The bot script has to be restarted for the changes to take effect.

Debugging scripts

exec node_modules/.bin/coffee --nodejs --debug node_modules/.bin/hubot --name "laspalmas" "$@"

And use the default attach debugging task of VSCode. Example:

  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "name": "Attach to bot",
      "type": "node",
      "request": "attach",
      "port": 5858,
      "restart": false,
      "sourceMaps": false,
      "outDir": null,
      "localRoot": "${workspaceRoot}"


% heroku create --stack cedar
% git push heroku master

If your Heroku account has been verified you can run the following to enable and add the Redis to Go addon to your app.

% heroku addons:add redistogo:nano

If you run into any problems, checkout Heroku's docs.

You'll need to edit the Procfile to set the name of your hubot.

More detailed documentation can be found on the deploying hubot onto Heroku wiki page.

Deploying to UNIX or Windows

Restart the bot

You may want to get comfortable with heroku logs and heroku restart if you're having issues.


Futurice Las Palmas trip Hubot for Flowdock






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