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Tikhon Botchkarev edited this page Jun 17, 2013 · 1 revision

Sereth JSON Spec Code Layout

Full on registration with Rails subsystems. Asset compilation injection

  • lib/sereth_utils

    Tools to provide generalized features. Will eventually break off into a separate gem.

  • lib/json_spec

    • api.rb

      The modules that must be prepended to enable json_specs for a class.

      Extends the class with the entry function, a spec enumerator and schema generator entry points. Also provides a path name to be used when storing specs.

      Injects the instance to_json and as_json methods.

      Calls out to JsonSpecGenerator in order to create a new spec.

      Calls out to JsonSpecData in order to utilize existing specs.

    • generator.rb

      Context class used to provide the json_spec DSL during spec generation. Responsible for ensuring the proper instance of JsonSpecData is being populated.

      Provides commands if!, override!, extends!. All other method calls evaluate to node names. Both are used to populate the current JsonSpecData instance for this generator.

      Calls out to JsonSpec data in order to sotre configured data nodes, and to retrieve previously configured data nodes for extension.

    • data.rb

      Storage class used to store all top-level instances of the configured specs, and to utilize this data to generate json from an object, or update and object from json.

      Provides special mechanism for preparing generator commands and raw nodes for export and import. Also performs actual export and import using the prepared resources.

      Uses function definition for generating export handlers. Functions have access to the context of the function generator which stores the name and subnode information, and perform better than hashes.

      Uses a standard hash map for import handlers. Hash map provides finer level of control at the expense of speed. This may be necessary since imported data may be provided by user.

      Calls out to JsonSpecExports in order to generate proc objects used for exports.

      Calls out to JsonSpecImports in order to generate proc objects used for imports.

    • exports.rb AND imports.rb

      Helper classes used to generate proc objects used by JsonSpecData to perform operations on class instances.

Template Manager

Tarses rtm (Ruby Template Manger) files in order to create javascript

Need a template generator+storage ending Bind route to query templates Permission/namespace based security Cached results for common pages


Verify bower deps, run compile operations, and copy into required locations

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