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What's this?
A simple plugin to simplify TNT-Spawning in Minecraft. This plugin is also able to delay TNT-Spawning so they won't get spawned all at once. (Working at TikFinity)

1. Download the newest version from Releases
2. Drag and Drop the newest version from the Downloads to the plugins folder of your Minecraft-Server
3. Start/Restart your server
4. You're ready to go!

How to use it?:
Simply use the command /tnt Amount PlayerName to spawn/delay (a) tnt(s)
Side-Note: Amount and PlayerName aren't necessary

How can I change the delay, the fuzing-time or the Permission?:
All of this options can be changed in the config.yml which can be found in the DelayedTNT folder (in the plugins folder of your Minecraft-Server)
Note: The delay must be configurated in seconds!

/tnt < Amount > - Spawns multiple TNT with the delay set in the config.yml
/tnt < Amount > < Player > - Spawns multiple TNT for a specific player
/tnt < Amount > < Delay > < Fuse > - Spawns multiple TNT with a custom delay and fuse
/tnt < Amount > < Delay > < Fuse > < Player > - Spawns multiple TNT with a custom delay and fuse for a specific player
/tnt help - Opens the help menu
/tnt reload - Reloads the plugin

Support: You got any wishes or found any bug? Feel free to join my discord:

The source code as well as the JAR file may be used and modified for commercial as well as private purposes