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Source Code for "Scalable Methods for Computing Sharp Extreme Event Probabilities in Infinite-Dimensional Stochastic Systems"

T. Schorlepp, S. Tong, T. Grafke and G. Stadler, "Scalable Methods for Computing Sharp Extreme Event Probabilities in Infinite-Dimensional Stochastic Systems", arXiv:2303.11919 [stat.CO], March 2023.

Problem formulation

The code in this repository can be used to determine the tail probability $\mathbb{P} \left[ f(X(T), Y(T)) \geq z \right]$ for the two-dimensional stochastic differential equation

$$ \begin{cases} \mathrm{d} X = (-X-XY)\mathrm{d} t + \sqrt{\varepsilon}\mathrm{d} B_X\\ \mathrm{d} Y = (-4Y+X^2)\mathrm{d} t + \tfrac12\sqrt{\varepsilon}\mathrm{d} B_Y \end{cases} $$

with deterministic initial condition $(X(0),Y(0)) = (0,0)$ and observable $f(x, y) = x + 2 y$. The code contains functions to obtain sampling estimates, as well as to compute the instanton and the leading-order prefactor using either a Riccati equation or the dominant eigenvalues of the projected second variation operator. All details can be found in the paper.

Standard Parameters

These are the default parameters that were also used in the paper:

  • $T = 1$
  • $\varepsilon = 0.5$
  • $z = 3$
  • $n_t = 2000$


The python3 scripts just require numpy, scipy and matplotlib. They were tested under Python 3.6.9, numpy 1.19.5, scipy 1.4.1 and matplotlib 3.3.4.

How to execute

  1. Run


    to collect the following data for the toy problem:

    • nPaths = 100 sample paths with $f(X(T), Y(T)) \geq z$ using getSamplePaths() via direct sampling
    • the instanton for $z$ using instanton.searchInstantonViaAugmented() to compute the rate function
    • the Riccati solution along this instanton using solveForwardRiccati() to compute the prefactor
    • the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of $A_z$ using scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs as an alternative to compute the prefactor
    • nPaths = int(1e5) sample paths with $f((X_T^\varepsilon - \phi_z(T))/\sqrt{\varepsilon}) < 0.05$ via instanton based importance sampling with getTransitionPathStatisticsImportanceSampling()

    The data will be stored in a 'data' subdirectory and take up about 30 MB. The sampling routines may take some time for the default sample sizes.

  2. Run


    afterwards to reproduce figures 1, 2, 3 and 5 from the paper.


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