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Environmental Cubemaps

Tinob edited this page May 10, 2020 · 1 revision

Since Ishiiruka 1102 support for Static Environmental Cubemaps has been added.

They Improve the look of plastic and metalic materials by adding enviroment reflections.

To enable then Phong Ligthing and Load Custom Mipmaps should be enabled.

For this to work additional textures are required:

env_{ID}.nx.{extension}: negative x face of the cubemap.
env_{ID}.px.{extension}: positive x face of the cubemap.
env_{ID}.ny.{extension}: negative y face of the cubemap.
env_{ID}.py.{extension}: positive y face of the cubemap.
env_{ID}.nz.{extension}: negative z face of the cubemap.
env_{ID}.pz.{extension}: positive z face of the cubemap.

Where {extension} is recomended to be dds with all the mipmaps pre-generated.


can be the word Default:

  • This cubemap will be used when no other cumebap is defined in the scene.

And existing texture id:

  • This cubemap will be used when the selected texture is used in the currend frame.

If multiple cubemaps are associated with textures in the current scene then the one used more frequently will be used.

There is no limitation in the size of the cubemap but 512x512 is more than enough.

An example cubemap, that is also used when no cubemap is supplied by a game, is provided in the folder Sys/Resources.

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