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This repository contains the firmware source for JPEG AVI playback (and serial JPEG streaming for TinyTV 2 and Mini) on the following TinyCircuits platforms:

  • TinyTV 2
  • TinyTV Mini
  • TinyTV DIY

See the TinyTV-Site repo for even more information and utility pages for streaming, updating, and changing settings:

Disclaimer about contributions

Although we greatly appreciate feedback and contributions to our product's code, as a business it takes time to integrate, test, and deploy new versions of firmware. As is typical with software, there is an inherent risk of additional bugs and breakages upon release of new firmware, therefore, only contributions to this codebase that greatly improve the product and its functionally can be considered.

Versions/Changing the code

This code repository reflects current development of the TinyTV Firmware. Occasionally TinyCircuits will create release binaries and change the source/binary version number according to the versions.h file. Pull requests should not have changes to the binaries or version number changes- we'll do our best here to manage version number changes and compiling/testing binaries, since the firmware goes directly on our hardware product.

Compiling: Arduino IDE

Follow the below steps to build a firmware image using the Arduino IDE.

1. Installing libraries

Unzip and move each of the folders in src (called that instead of 'lib' because of Arduino nomenclature) to your Documents/Arduino/libraries folder

  • JPEGDEC: library for decoding JPEG frames for serial streaming and JPEG AVI video playback
  • SdFat: library for interacting with SD cards
    • Uncomment definition in SdFat/src/SdFatCongfig.h: #define USE_UTF8_LONG_NAMES 1
  • IRremote: for handling the remote IR receiver and IR codes

Leave these custom libraries in the src folder

  • TinyScreen: modified TinyScreen+ library to include support for TFT displays
  • GraphicsBuffer2: modified TinyScreen+ library for text rendering in an arbitrary buffer location

2. Install the RP2040 Arduino board package (TinyTV 2 and TinyTV Mini)

Follow the steps listed here: Install version 2.6.0.

3. Install the TinyCircuits Arduino board package (TinyTV DIY Kit)

Follow the steps here under "Step 1: Configure Arduino Software IDE"

4. Compiling for each platform (TinyTV 2, TinyTV Mini, or TinyTV DIY Kit)

TinyTV 2 and Mini

  1. In the Arduino IDE under Tools, make sure to set each of the following:

    • Board: Raspberry Pi Pico
    • CPU Speed: 200MHz for TinyTV 2 and 50MHz for TinyTV Mini
    • Optimization: -Os
    • USB Stack: Adafruit TinyUSB
  2. Change the following in the RP2040 board package

    1. In the Windows taskbar search run, execute to bring window up
    2. Type %APPDATA% and press enter
    3. Go up a directory to Local
      1. Navigate to Arduino15\packages\rp2040\hardware\rp2040\2.6.0\variants\rpipico\pins_arduino.h
      2. Change #define PIN_LED (25u) -> #define PIN_LED (12u)
    4. Go back to Local
      1. Navigate to Arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/2.6.0/libraries/Adafruit_TinyUSB_Arduino/src/arduino/ports/rp2040/tusb_config_rp2040.h
      2. Change #define CFG_TUD_CDC 1 -> #define CFG_TUD_CDC 2 (reason: to use Adafruit's CDC instead of Arduino Serial)
      3. Change #define CFG_TUD_CDC_RX_BUFSIZE 256 -> #define CFG_TUD_CDC_RX_BUFSIZE 2048 (reason: faster serial, hand tweaked to a fast working value)
      4. Change #define CFG_TUD_CDC_TX_BUFSIZE 256 -> #define CFG_TUD_CDC_TX_BUFSIZE 2048 (reason: faster serial, hand tweaked to a fast working value)
      5. Make sure to set #define CFG_TUD_MSC_EP_BUFSIZE 512*8 (reason: faster USB Mass Storage transfer rates)

TinyTV DIY Kit

  1. In the Arduino IDE under Tools, make sure to set the following:
    • Board: TinyScreen+

TinyTV 2, TinyTV Mini, or TinyTV DIY Kit

Uncomment one of these lines in the main .ino file to select the hardware target: //#include "TinyTV2.h" //#include "TinyTVMini.h" //#include "TinyTVKit.h"

Now you can press the upload button (after choosing a port and/or putting the device into bootloader mode) or use Sketch -> Export compiled Binary.


Firmware for TinyTV 2, TinyTV Mini, and TinyTV DIY JPEG AVI video playback






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