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IC2 Classic Version 1.0.6

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@Speiger Speiger released this 02 May 05:13
· 61 commits to master since this release

Sadly not a public release. But we are so close :D


-Removed: Some spamining loggings. If there are more then just throw the tell me what is messaging...
-Added: New Networking, well its the same as before, but the paths and calling functions are now the same as in IC2 Exp. Means simply more compatiblity...
-Fixed: Powerloss was gone. Derp bug...
-Fixed: Overcharging of machines no longer work. (Easy Mode)
-Added: Conductors can no longer melt in Easy Mode, but the do also not transfer power anymore if they get overcharged. Also only in Easy Mode.
-Fixed: Nuclear Reactors do no longer crash when fully build and try to access things.
-Fixed: Sound Reloading Do not cause crashes when IC2 Sounds play. (Note that fix will be gone sooner or later because its using a Deprecated forge Methode. Until i have a better Solution it stays.)

And now something for everyone who want to test a maybe exsisting bug in IC2 Classic.

To Test it simply use MFR Rednet Energy Cable and use an BattBox/MFE/MFSU to power it and run the MFR cable to power any other machine.
Then run away from the Cable so that the Chunk Unloades while you are in the game.
I tested it already and i had no problems but that is just something i have to know.
Its a 1.6.4 Bug which i solved. But that code does not exsist in 1.7.10 and i do not think that it is required.
But for everyone who want to make a crash test. You are welcome. If you crash with that thing (sending me reports) i will make the next update in a couple minutes after i saw it... Because that is a stupid bug...

Thats it hopfully you like it.