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Tirsvad CMS - Linux Server Setup

Quick webserver setup.

Getting Started

Need a server with debian linux compatibel distibution and root access.

I am using a Linode VP server account. Get one here from 5$ a month

First step

Get this from

or get the source at and compile it.


apt-get update
locale-gen && export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" && apt-get -y install curl

Default server setup


Descriptions of settings.yaml file

File is with comments. Easy to go with.



  • Command line parse
  • Server Configuratio
    • Default config example
      • Load from external source at github
    • Read custom configuration file
      • Optional load from external source github, bitbucket and others
  • Hardness server
    • ssh
      • option remove password login and root login
    • firewall enabled (nftables)
    • Fail2ban
    • optional
      • create a user with sudo priviliged
  • Nginx
    • compiled edition with RTMP for live stream / broadcasting
    • stunnel for RTPMS workaround. Facebook stream using secure connection via port 443.
  • Certbot (LetsEncrypt)
    • adding ssl certificate
  • rtmp user access
    • access right for yt, fb and others streaming services
  • Easy create configuration from console application


  • OS user and groups
    • Create user and groups in Linux
    • Add superuser (sudo)