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Tis_awesomeness edited this page Jun 13, 2024 · 2 revisions

Admin Commands

Admin commands do not use slash commands. Instead, ping the bot with @Minecord (replace "Minecord" with the bot's username).


  • @Minecord help admin - Displays a list of admin commands.
  • @Minecord help <command> admin - Displays admin help for a command.


  • @Minecord infoadmin - Displays bot info, including used memory and boot time.
  • @Minecord guildadmin <guild id> - Show info and ban status for another guild.
  • @Minecord roleadmin <role id> - Show role info for any role.
  • @Minecord useradmin <user id> [mutual] - Show info, ban status, and elevation for a user outside of the current guild. Include mutual to show mutual guilds.
  • @Minecord settings <guild id> admin [<setting> <value>] - Change the bot's settings for another guild.
  • @Minecord permsadmin <channel id> - Test the bot's permissions in any channel.


  • @Minecord say <channel> <message> - Say a message.
  • @Minecord msg <mention> <message> - Open the DMs.
  • @Minecord name <guild id> <name> - Changes the bot's nickname per-guild, enter nothing to reset.
  • @Minecord usage - Shows how often commands are used.
  • @Minecord debug [<option>|all] - Prints out debug info.
  • @Minecord promote <user> - Elevate a user.
  • @Minecord demote <user> - De-elevate a user.
  • @Minecord ban [user|guild] <id> - Bans/unbans a user/guild from the bot. Omit user/guild to check for a ban.
  • @Minecord reload - Reloads the bot. In dev mode, this hot reloads all code. Otherwise, this reloads the config, item/recipe files, and restarts the database.
  • @Minecord shutdown - Shuts down the bot.
  • @Minecord deploy - Deploys slash commands globally.
  • @Minecord eval - Evaluates javascript code with variables jda, config, event, channel, and user. Variables member and guild are available in guilds. Requires setting evil: true in the config since eval is a security risk.
  • @Minecord test - Test command. This may change depending on what features are being developed.