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Project Ingenieursbeleving 2 - Boris Brief

Boris brief png

Boris Brief is a pseude-3d game where you play a postman, your mission deliver as much packages as you can but be carefull there is a lot of traffic.

This game was developed by Sander Haustraete, Daan Vercammen and Tom Thys, as a engineering experience in Software and Electronics during 2nd bachlor year.

In the first part of the year we developed this game, in the second part we added an Dramcontroller - Arduino Zero, but the code runs fine without it.


In the car

  • Use /e to accelerate
  • Use /d to brake
  • Use /s/muis to go left
  • Use /f/muis to go right
  • Use r/y to upshift
  • Use z/y to downshift

While moving

  • Use /e/muis to move forewards
  • Use /d/muis to move backwards
  • Use /s to sidestep left
  • Use /f to sidestep right
  • Use r/mouse to turn right
  • Use z/mouse to turn left
  • Use t to enter the car (less then 1.5 blocks)
  • Use g to open doors (they are hidden good luck if u want to find them)
  • Use space to trow pakkage or take one out the car

Other keybindings

  • Use space to select menu option
  • Use m to view the map
  • Use L SHIFT/L CTRL to zoom in/out on the map
  • Use p to pauze the game
  • Use g to go to the garage
  • Use x to change to color of your car in the garage
  • Use k to go to the office

Close game

  • Use q or esc


  • Pillow
  • PySDL2
  • pysdl2-dll
  • ctypes

Standard libraries

  • configparser
  • heapq
  • numpy
  • math
  • logging
  • time
  • random
  • warnings
