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Releases: TomONeill/tmx-tileset-deduplicator

Project name update

24 Aug 20:39
Choose a tag to compare

Updated the name of the project to better fit with what the application does.

Initial release

23 Aug 19:34
Choose a tag to compare


This is a standalone console app, which cannot be run from Tiled itself.

Unpack the .zip and run tmx-tileset-merger.exe.

  1. Enter the location of the .tmx file
  2. Select the tilesets you want to merge
  3. A new .tmx file gets created with the merged tilesets


If you see:
WARNING: Layer '{layer.Name}' contained value '{tile}' which could not be processed. There could be issues with the merged result.

Some project layers contain odd values (to me), therefore I'm skipping them in the merging process.
I have not seen issues with this in the final result, but if you do, let me know by opening an issue.


Layers with encodings other than csv are not supported and will throw an exception.
I'm not familiar with other encoding options, though haven't looked into it at all.
Let me know if there are any and want support for it.


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